Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Lord works in Many Ways.

1. Lennie how is he doing almost ready to be baptized the day after the biggest Pioneer Celebration that Utah can muster, did you remember that was a Utah holiday?
1. He is going to be baptized this coming Sunday.

2. Please buy the card reader we want to see pictures of you again.
2. I can't afford a new one until I have about R120, that equals about $17. If you could help me with that it would be nice.

3. Did you move out of your apartment this p-day?
3. No we haven't moved out yet, but that is a good question because I haven't been thinking about that much this week and we may need to find out.

4. Did any of Lennies friends make a baptism commitment yet?
4.Yes they did, and we are now teaching one of his friends whole family. Unfortunately one of his friends fell subject to the false rumors about satanist and has been dodging us lately.

5. Chase Hathaway served in the township just over from
Tazneen and told a story about monkeys and being curious have you had any come close to you and be curious about what you might be doings?

5.Was the township called Lenyenye? I have seen monkeys quite a lot around here but they always run away from you when you get close. I ll have to try and feed them

6. Have you gone on any P-day hikes in the jungle yet?

6.Nope I haven't and I'm not sure when I will. I would love to do it but the problem is that it is kinda dangerous and my companion wants nothing to do with it.

7. Now the boys wonder if you have seen giraffes up close?
7.Yes I saw Giraffes the same day I saw elephants. I have plenty of cool pics to send

8. Faith must be tried to be called faith tested. What do you think about this saying that I heard the other day. Any thoughts about how our family was faith tested by Jer's birth?
8. I'm not sure if that is the exact quote, but it kinda makes sense. If you have faith but nothing ever tries it then it hasn't been tested much.

Well this week has been an interesting week with a lot of frustration at times. But this Sunday was a great reliever of the stress. There is a lady who we have been teaching named sister Beverly. She has been taught for about 6 months. She was doing everything she is supposed to, to gain a testimony except one thing. and that is to pray. Every Sunday she was coming to church and she was participating a lot in Relief Society activities. But every time the subject of baptism came up around her so did all of her excuses. Since I have been here, Elder Makosa and myself have seen a lot of changes in her and she started to progress closer and closer to the goal but still until recently she has struggled with the idea. Then Yesterday, we came to her house at the end of the night to talk with her and I told her how frustrated I have been this week. She started to quote from the bible in an attempt to cheer me up and she was saying something about how the road to God is a rough one and the road to Satan looks nice and easy. As she was saying these things it was helping me, but I was only kind of half listening. As she talked she started to mention how great a day she had had and how she had loved church. Then out of now where she said..."and I'd like to be baptized next Sunday"... At first Elder Makosa and myself didn't think much of it, but after going over the statement again in my head I asked her to repeat what she had just said. After doing so Elder Makosa and I almost fell out of our seats. She said that she had heard about the mention of Lenny's baptism coming up and it made her think a lot about it. She said she went home and knelt down to ask God if that is something she should do. She said after praying she had never felt so good and so sure about something in her life and she has decided that that is what she wants in her life. We ended up changing the lesson for the night and instead just shared our testimonies. We told her we would make sure to review some things with her and then schedule and interview. She accepted that she might not be baptized next week, but would wait until she could be interviewed. What an experience! it just goes to show how powerful prayer can really be. I encourage all of you to continue praying about the truth and really come to know for yourselves if the church is true. It is our testimonies that drive us to live the gospel and do what is right. If we can each have that spiritual witness to the truth then when our faith is tested, we will always pass the test.

Well, I love all of you and hope you are doing your part to learn the gospel, nothing comes free, especially the best things.

Elder Jones

The Family says.
Wow if life slows down I am not sure what we might do around here. Maybe I should go backward with the weeks happenings.

J isn't eating again this Sunday morning, this time the sticky mouse catching pad was set by the stove top and it finally caught the dang mouse that somehow is getting on the top of the island. 13 years in this house and that has never been a problem and this summer we can not get rid of them. She said Mom are you trying to starve me two Sundays in a row and I can't handle it. Heehee. evil laugh at least it's caught now.
Arrived home late last night from an afternoon at the Smith family reunion. Photos were sent of our family doings there. Drive was eventful the car had an awful smell and all of a sudden us in the back yelled we wanted out because it smelled like smoke. I have never seen little people haul out so fast. For some reason there was oil spurting on the engine and making it burn up causing the smoke. Dad never did figure out why and Darren, and Golden stayed behind us to make sure we arrived home safe which we did or I guess I wouldn't be writing this to you. When we arrived at church today Darren came up and said it's the strangest thing.
When we stoped to see what was wrong with your car I asked Dad -Golden to look at the 4wheelers he was hauling and check all the tie downs. He had the big 5th wheel that they haul hay on and there were like 4 or maybe 5 plus a dune buggy and a mini bike strapped on. As they were looking at why our car was shooting smoke Golden found that one of the big huge 4 wheelers straps were broken and not even latched on. If he had pulled to the side
Darren was on the wheeler would have rolled off the trailer at that point but there was a hill so he had gone off the opposite side of the road. Can you imagine that wheeler coming off and someone hitting into it in the dark of the night not to mention the loss and cost. Well we went ahead as they I guess retied it down and we ran into the worst wind and storm we couldn't even see the road for a little bit. By the time they got to the storm it was most likely not the worst of it and didn't blow the high trailer over and they did have a bit of rain to have to see through. We may never know what danger was prevented but I felt a thrill run through me of confirmation that there must have been a reason to slow us all down as we were traveling home. The car never blew smoke again and we got home just fine. I also realized that at that time you would have been doing your morning study and prayers and so maybe what words you spoke protected us also. Darren even said that he had kept feeling that he needed to check the 4 wheelers and hadn't yet but that gave him a moment to stop and say hey Dad you look while I help them. J got to drive the team of Belgium's and had a blast and then they let her and K get up on their huge backs. She said ok I will just stay here all night. We thought her Hobbles was a really tall horse. Those are monstrously huge.
Fri we spent doing the water at Whites and shoeing the horses so that Hobbles will run faster. J had a barrel run of 16.4 and is going to do the rodeo at Scipio on the 24th. So the horse had to have a nail job. Wed and Thur the white truck kept me stuck in town trying to get little things fixed on it so it could be inspected. Tue and Mon is a blur and to many things happened in between there. Tonight I had to go help Sondra pack the last of the things into her car so she could go to Chads military graduation and they are moved out. It's strange to see the cabin empty and wonder if another honeymooner will get married and move into it soon.
C spent the whole week up at a place called Camp TIFEE and loved it he swam the mile and only one leader beat him. Brother Howell said he must be the energizer bunny because he just never gets tired. We went up to the reunion and him and Mc proceeded to spend the night again 6 nights of camping for that boy. J says you need to answer her note and that she loves you lots. Everyone has there eyes on her and the Bishop gave her a hard time for walking down town with holding a boys hand and then the next day he sees her riding bare back down the road in town. She was so embarrassed she wouldn't talk to him. He said it's ok it's natural and laughed she still was all goofy about being teased. Ron Brown called and was happy to hear that you were out serving the Lord he thinks your a great kid. Well the summer is hot and very raging busy for the next three weeks. Parades rodeos and showing lambs and then quiet peace because school will start and then its time to get wood and harvest the garden. The time is flying by faster and faster it it just amazing to see it that way. I love you lots and can't wait to hear the weeks adventures. Oh ya Dad says we are going to all go for a family Home evening Horse ride tomorrow since he is going to be home early for once this week. They have been going over time which is a blessing because there for a little bit he was getting worried that we wouldn't have enough because of short hours at work. I love you we all love you can't wait to hear from you. Love Mom

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