Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Your last transfer spot? Botswana

Dear familyWell this week has been pretty long. Monday we did our proselyting, because we switched our p-day so we could go to a trading post that is open only from monday to tuesday. Then on wed we had transfers. Part of what made the week really long is the news that I will be spending my last transfer up here in Botswana in an area called Kanye, It's a small village not to far south of the capital, Gaborone. We spent the night in the mission home on Wed night, due to Zone leader council scheduled to be on Thursday morning. It was really cool because during the evening hours we got to go to Dobsenville and prosolyte there. It was nice to see the old area, and I even got to go and strengthen some of the people that  I was teaching. Some of them were quite surprised to see me. Thursday morning we had a great Zone leader Council. We got to go into the temple gate house and listen to the Re-dedicatory Prayer of the land of South Africa for missionary work. There are some great things that were asked for and we can see that many of those things have already been recived Thursday evening around 4:00 And we got to Gaborone at about 9:00.
 President and Sister Morgan had some chili waiting for us and took our picture for the Botswana Mission board. After that we went over to the Gaborone Zone leaders flat to spend the night. Early on Friday morning, we drove about an hour to our area, we met the other elders in our flat/district and then we got to work. I must say, I can tell I'm not in South Africa anymore. The language is different and there are alot more Donkeys and Cows. We actually live in the village in a small house and there is a Rooster that crows outside our window at 6:30 every morning without fail. It's really nice to live here, other than that there is alot of dust that comes in our house and if you walk without shoes on your feet turn black. I am living with my companion Elder Hove, who was also in my district in  Tzaneen as Elder Palmers companion, And Elder Kafeero our district leader and Elder Oketa who is the acting branch President. It's the most unique district  I've been in my whole mission. So for the three days I've been here now, I've enjoyed. Unfortunately it is really cold wich supprised me because everyone says tht Botswana is HOT! I accidentaly left my coat at the Chapel yesterday so I was freezing my buns off as we walked around our area last night. So far that is the news for the week.

1. Did you have a hard time with jet lag when you went to Africa? Do you think you will have a hard time with it when you come back?
1.I don't remember really having any Jet lag problems. I just started following the morning schedule and I was ok.

2. Do you want to do your home coming talk before you testify or after the court stuff that Sunday would be the 20th to speak if you do it before?
2. I would prefer to do my homecoming talk as soon as I can. But not if that is going to be the day after I get home.

4.Where are you these days?
4. Botswana

5.Car M. wants to know if any American songs are they in the back of the hymn book that is there in Africa? Like star spangle banner.
5. The hymn book is exactly the same

6. Have you read the whole Book of Mormon now?

7. Have you read the whole Bible now?

8. Have you read the whole D&C now?

9. We read the newsletter for the mission but its always about a month behind so my question is have you completed the checklist that is talked about on the April letter and what is it about?
9. Well i've been working on it. It came out along time ago, infact about a year ago and it is a requirement for all New missionaries to complete. It is a choice for anyone else. When i was training a new missionary we were doing it together, I didn't decide to do it on my own until last transfer.

10.So did Elder Palmer always be the cook if he was a chef?
10.Yup he cooked quite alot, I mostly cooked Breakfast

11.The big converter that changed electical stuff that we got at the Missionary mall place was it useful to your there in Africa.
11.As a matter of fact i have really never used that thing. It's just been taking up space

12.Please take extensive pictures of those shoes Dad wants me to take and email them to the Missionary Mall and get them replaced before you come home as we will not have time to go back to Provo before the court and I have to go in two weeks so then I can pick up a replacment pair. Also any other items that need a lift so that you can have stuff to look good in for court. 
12. Alright but I'm not sure if they are worn out enough to get them replaced.

13.Dad wants to know how much of a difference this mission has made in your life?
13. I can Honestly say that I'm going to try and be alot more diligent when  I get home. I don't want to sleep in and stay up late, I want to read my scriptures every day, I want to be diligent in planning my days so that I can use my time as wisely as possible and not get distracted and end up procrastinating important things. And I'm Honestly very scared that I'll fall back into the old routine of just doing things when I feel like it or when I  only have very little time left to do it. It has strengthened my testimony, because of the experiences I've had and the things I have noticed fall into place. It has helped me to be a little more out going at the same time as being a little more calm and collected. It's taught me to think before I act and taught me to serve those that I care about. I've learned that Life is just a big Decision and I'm the one that makes it. If I want to be good at something, I have to choose to be I have to work on it I have to Focus on it. If I want to do what's right, then it's my choice, if I'm going to do something wrong I'm the only one to blame. I've learned that I'm responsible for helping those that have fallen down and need a lift, and if you don't know what to say and do then you don't have to worry because the Lord will tell you what to say and do. I've learned a lot more about the Atonement of Christ and why that is so important in our Heavenly Fathers plan. I think I can say that I've learned alot, the only thing now will be to stick to it and not forget it, I think that's why the scriptures are always saying "...Remember, Remember and perish not"

Love Elder T. Jones

P.s. I don't think that I will have a large amount of luggage to try and fit in the car. And I don't think it would be a problem if just Mom and Dad come to pick me up at the Airport. As a matter of fact I think I would prefer that.
Dear Elder
One month of summer is gone. The kids hit work hard this week at the ice house and working their animals to prepare for the fair. It finally got warm and has stayed warm. I mean we could still pick asparagus its been that cool and usually it ends the middle of June but there is still some on the banks that can be eaten. C was thrilled because Uncle Golden called to have him help load a hay load and made a lot of money in an hour. I think he is finally getting the gist of wait for it and then pay it off, his goal is a motorcycle. He tried to get his learners but missed it by two so back to reading the book and paying a bit more attention when driving and he will soon have it. His birthday was when he was at wrestling camp. Last year he was gone to scout camp so two years of not being here to celebrate. Jo went up to girls camp and so on Thur I went up to spend the day with her. They had a really good speaker come talk about how when hard things come into your life you have two choices one turn to him or away from him. The speaker told about how her Dad woke her up and said he was leaving and never going to come back and the next morning her Mom told her before you dial your best friend dial the one who will never ever leave you and knows everything that you will always and forever need. So she encouraged them to pray often instead of text or phone a friend on earth first.

Dad finally cut what hay he could even with our new river cutting out half the hay. Its taking a long time to dry out as the ground is so wet under it. Next weekend the scouts and Dad are going on an over night horse ride and so we have to go to the Vet to see why Hobbles is so slobbery and will not turn his head. Jo and K also have a 4-H show this week for the first time this year.

We are a bit distressed because upon getting your itinerary it showed that you arrive the day that the kids are all showing their fair animals, so based on that we have to leave at 4pm to make it to the airport if Jo and C are done showing will determine if they get to come with us. Add the fact that we have to rent or borrow a bigger car just to get your luggage in and that the next morning we have to be back at the fair at 7 am to sell all the market lambs, pig, and two steers we were a bit overwhelmed. Jo and C have resigned themselves to that fact that they might not get to be there to see you till later and even K and Mc keeps rubbing it in cause he will get to go since he has no animals this year to show. Our horse Christy that little black pony had a very pretty baby and then surprise June had a baby that we were not even really knowing that she was going to have one, her baby is really brave and has no fear of things. C also had gotten Pharaoh to load into the horse trailer and Jo is working on the other little yearling to load it.
Uncle Ray said that he thought you would make a great counselor when we were talking about school and Sam and when each of you would speak in sacrament meeting timing wise. Seth just graduated with his criminal justice degree from SUU and Chad is on the B county hwy patrol. Jacob is on the border patrol, and David works in the prison. Uncle Ray said you would make a great investigator since you have first hand experience with a mind of a deviant.
Please pray that funding will come through for you to live on campus if that is what will be best in the Lords desires for you. I am going to admit here that Dad hopes you do not go and will just be satisfied to do online till Jan. We could use help cutting wood and finishing the fields and you working will help you to have a little bit put away for school. But if the funding comes through in full I guess we will except that it must be the best, which of course then the housing will have to come through also.
Well that's about all the newsy news for this week. We are for sure wondering about all your exciting news cause there has got to be lots of changes for you this week with a new Pres. and new companion and place to live in. So fill us in on the adventure that you are living while teaching the good story of life to the African people.
Love your family

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