Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The time is swiftly passing.

1. Are u eating ok your photos looks like your a bit thin these days?
1. Actually I thought it was the other way around. I lost some weight in my last area, but I've gained it all back in this area...Well I've stayed about the same since we haven't had a car.
2. What person needs our prayers the same ones that you talked about in the last letter?
2.Clifford And Elijah that they can come to church. Elwin and Noriah for the same thing.

3. Did you get your car back yet?
3.We have a car now but it's not our car. it's a senior couples car and they have a rental.

4. What was the name of the shoes we got you, are your nice ones that got bit holding on?
4. I have a pair of Propet shoes and some Rockports. the Propet's are starting to get some small holes in the heel but I think they will be fine and the other shoes are ok too.

5. Do you wish for a new tie now?
5.I would love many new ties if that is possible. I've actually had to give some away som my selection it is slim.

Well it sounds like you've had a pretty hectic week. Thanks for the advice, I'm not sure what it is because I'm usually patient but sometimes it just doesn't seem to have an effect. Their all great missionaries though. Well this week has been a fairly normal one except for a few humbling/learning moments P-day was an average day of shopping cleaning and e-mailing. nothing very exciting happened because we are all short on funds until Friday. Tuesday was a bit long, we were walking around the village alot because our appointments dropped us and anyone else we could go see was far from where we were. Wednesday we went to Polokwane for our new lesson training and I hope the Elders learned something from it because I had to teach and I wasn't really sure what to teach or how to teach it, I just kinda got thrown into it. Thursday we had our weekly planning and set our baptism goals for the next 4 months Sept-Dec. (it feels like we just did that for May-August) and time just seems to keep going faster and faster. Friday was the day I was humbled and I learned a little bit about keeping time. We were working in the village on Friday and everything was going well, when Elder Mortenson (Senior missionary and Stake President) called and asked if he could pick us up a little early. We told him yes he could and that we would meet him at a designated place. We only had 1 more appointment and it was very close to where he was going to pick us up so we figured we would go there and then close the appointment when he gave us the call to tell us he was there. As the appointment went on we lost track of time and realized that the phone didn't have any service. After realizing this we quickly ended the lesson and took off down the road, there he was sitting in his car waiting with his phone in hand. We jumped into the car and with the most sincerity I could I said Sorry President... BOOM!! I don't think I have ever gotten more of a scolding than that in my life. And I think I will not be late again.
Map of what is near our missionary. ">Saturday I had the opportunity to go on Exchanges to Modjadji with Elder Hove (Hove-ay), We had a pretty good day and some disappointments too, but that's missionary work for you.
Google Map of Tazneen with blue marker showing land of Modjadji
Modjadji is where the biggest Satanist Rumors are. People drop like flys from the missionary teaching pool, but they are holding strong. Sunday was great, we had 12 investigators at church and some of them came after the first appointment. I sure hope good comes from that. Unfortunately Clifford and Elijah still were not there and we are starting to wonder if they will ever make it. Please keep praying for them. Well that's the overview of the week, One more thing I could say is that I'm going to do interviews for the first time tonight so I hope it goes well.

Some Q's of my own
1. How many animals do we now have on the farm exactly?
2. Can I please get more pics of some of the goings on at home some how?
3. How is Will have you heard much?
4. How is the FHE going with everybody? I still strongly encourage that.

Well that's it, love you all

Elder Jones

P.s. sorry if my e-mail is poorly written, I was having a hard time writing today for some reason.

The time is swiftly passing.
Here goes the story of the adventure of last Mon. after the wild working morning experience. The little boys had their last peewee 4H show over in Monroe. Dad had said that there may need to have gas put into the fire engine truck but I was so out of time by the time I got back that I just hurried to load all the horses and go over to the arena. They did pretty good J went and helped me and Jamie drove separate so that they could go ahead and get signed up. It went forever late and we finally got to drive out of there at about 11:30 pm. I was just rounding the hill after crossing the last canal when the truck just went off dead. I called Dad and he came and we tried to get it to go with a small amount of gas. Finally at 1:00 am he returned from getting gas in Elsinore at the night pumps and we still couldn't get it to have enough to make it stayed turned on even after priming it. He finally hooked the white truck up and pulled me all the rest of the way home with the three big horses inside. Talk about knuckle gripping scary it was a very dark night and I was so afraid I would hit into the back of him. I went over to Jamie's after to grab the little boys who she had fed. J and I ate at 2am in the morning. Dad and Mc had already ate and C was left over at a friends house for a sleep over. My elbow was swollen the next morning from gripping so hard on the steering wheel. I must admit I was glad that that was the last show for the year. School started this Wed. and they are all thrilled to be back except J. Jer feels jiped because his did not start until tomorrow and he was lonely and kept asking where the boys were. When they got home he would say do you want to play dump trucks with me outside to each of them it didn't even matter that it was dark either by the time C got home and done with all the chores.
Rosie is back to her tricks of getting out every day all day long. We finally had to lock her into the round coral and hope that it keeps her there. She knocked the whole end of the hay stack down on one of her out moments. J and Bootsy had just moved from the spot so they were pretty lucky to not get hit. J had just gone down to put her in for the second time that afternoon. All the steers got out into the field one of the days because April had broke the waterline and they were out of water all day till Dad got it fixed. I was amazed that I was able to get them all back in by myself. I think mostly because C has been working to walk his and so it was pretty pushable to return to its home site. J's is a bit more wild but at least it followed the other one in. It is starting to feel cold at night and there is that nip in the air that turns all the leaves in a few weeks to gold and orange and red. Papa brought over a whole bunch of tomatoes and I am making chili sauce over the next couple of days. Or maybe spaghetti sauce. I can't keep peppers around for nothing C and Mc keep eating them like they are apples. They even keep the garden cleared of them. There are so many cucumbers the I am going to have to make some into pickles this year. Its funny to watch those two older boys eat now they pretty much will eat it all except for the tomatoes. Of course Z and Jer are still very pick and stick to the hot dog or cracker foods.
For the last two Sundays now we have grilled outside or C has cooked for us with a grill that Sondra and Chad left for us. C thinks it is the fun-est thing to do. J keeps not being here when we do it. She has been volunteering and so now she gets to work at the ice house and today they had to work also and then she went on a date with Travis to his grandparents farm to watch movies out in the barnyard after they were all done filling the pallets for the ice order. She is not wanting to stay at Hoovers very badly because she hates having to talk to people but the job will end here about the middle of Sept. anyway as their season starts to get very quiet after labor day. I wish that they would hire her at Bullies then she could go there right after school.
C has been doing football and they are really trying to keep him from getting to beat up at a young small age. The football coaches wish he would grow and the Wrestling coaches want him to stay right where he is at. But sadly enough he has grown at least 4 to 5 inches as all the pants he wore last year are very short on him now. He is driving me crazy with all the energy that he has and can take out Mc or any one who we don't want him to hold down of the little boys. K is so glad school started and can hardly wait to sleep out with Dad at Gooseberry.
Well Rhett is being stationed in Hawaii shock of all shock. He was just sure that wouldn't happen. Only about 5 are sent there of new Marines so he was just sure he would go to North Carolina. My cousin is also being transferred to there so Jadie hopes that they will be able to have some family moments maybe.
Brittany Obray and her boyfriend moved into the cabin. Derek Obray got engaged. Cristina is going to put her papers in to serve a mission now also. That will be three out in their family all at one time.
My little bit of advice to D&C 121. Often this is how being a parent is so put your feet in the role of a parent and then think you love the child so much you want the choice they make to be the right one but there has to be correction done. You would never want your child to leave your sight without knowing that they are very important to you even if you had to get disciplining with them. The Savior had to whip with chains to get the attention of his brothers but in the end he loved and cared for them even after his anger at the wrong done in the temple. Learn to put your arm around them when you are chastising them it will help them to know that you do care for them. Of course you have to be careful with this because not all people accept a physical contact in the moment of chastisements. The most important is that the Lord will have Angels whisper the words of chastisement and encouragement if you listen closely enough making sure you do not take it personal when there is anger directed at you. Something we each get to always work on that's for sure. Dad told me I should tell you some advice but I am not sure it was really great advice. I just know this that the Lord is there always sometimes even carrying you through the very hard struggles that we face. He called you to this because he knows you either need to learn or are very willing to learn to touch others and help guide them to becoming better missionaries sometimes just simply by your simple example. I love you your amazing and wonderful. So glad that you are serving your Heavenly Father in the search for his lost children.
Love Mom

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