Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Monday, August 23, 2010

South Africas oldest tree and other photos.

The Baobab Tree thought to be oldest in the world.Cool river and water falls.

This week has been a pretty interesting week, we have realized that we aren't going to make our baptism goal for August, but we now have a chance to set new goals for Sept-Dec This week has been an interesting week for us because we still don't have our car back,(I can't remember if I told you about the accident or not) and it is getting hot around here. The appointments we had set for this week were a bit far from each other so we had to do alot of walking and rearranging of our scheduled appointments. On a good note it has helped us to meet alot more people and we have been seeing some success as we have used the members a little bit more in our teaching, for instance just yesterday we put a father led family on baptismal date and another man we were teaching just because the member we took with us knew each of them. I hope we continue to see success as the few members we have get excited about the work. There is this new program we are starting called U-night, we've actually been at it for a few weeks now, but I think I forgot to tell about it. It's a missionary finding tool that provides an opportunity for members to invite friends to investigate the church while having some fun at the same time. We have set every Friday and 6:30 to be our day. Each Friday a small lesson is planned on something that everyone can benefit from. Things like (love, service, overcoming trials...) and then afterward we have an activity and some refreshments. It's been working slowly but surly, recently members have been inviting more friends to come and now all we have to do is had this thing over to the branch to run and ourselves to meet the new investigators. This brach is small and it gets frustrating, but I think one day it will be big. On Saturday the branch had planned to do it's Helping hands project, which is a giant service project that the church does all over Africa. Unfortunately the day came and no one was prepared, we didn't have the paint we were going to use and the school we were going to paint (the meeting place in Motupa) was locked up due to a South Africa wide strike that all the teachers are on. This country likes to strike, since I've been here I've seen 3 major strikes. I'm sure you can look it up some how. Anyway to make a long story short Elder Makosa and I had to hike around all tracting Saturday because we only had three appointments planned for after the project, and that didn't go well I could explain the experience as.... knock knock " Hello my name is"...SLAM! anyway we still had smiles on our faces. It's been good and I'm still enjoying every minute of it.
Love Elder Jones

1.Do you use the huge electrical converter that we bought at Missionary mall?
1. actually no I don't really use it much just when I charge my razor, The outlet system here is so messed up, when I got here I had to get more converters for my converters. It's wacky.

2. Is it the one that broke that made your camera work or what charges it?
2. I'm not sure I really understand this question, my camera doesn't charge, but it uses rechargeable batteries.

3. How are you storing your photos? Do you need more storage cards or a jump drive?
3.I'm doing just fine with storing photos, I just put them on a cd or dvd when my card is full.

5, So do you wish that you had taken Mrs. Judds finance class a bit more serious? 5.Kinda, but I don't know if it would have helped much

5. Do you are you writing in your journal? You should and then bring it to your letter writing day and remember through the week while writing us.
5.I'm still struggling with that, it's more like once or twice a week.

6. Do you need more toothpaste? Med? Shoes? Paper? Pencil? Shorts? We have jerky for you.
6.No I'm good on all of that stuff, But yes send the jerky and some captain crunch.

7. What thing would your companion think would be cool from us, Try not to ask him so if it is not there when he is it wont hurt to not get something if he is transferred it's mainly a generic kind of think that I wonder about. Ya know what I mean, I imagine they do not get many packages from home.
7. That is a great question, I'm not really sure but I do know that he is expecting me to give him something before he leaves, which could possibly be soon, but I'm not sure

8. What is the river and the falls that are behind you in the pic you sent last time? Is it Sabia river?
8.I'm not sure what river it is, it was actually an interesting story that we found them, the Zone Leaders asked us to go down the road towards their area because they said they lost something there and we found those falls along the way.

A short note of part of our crazy week.
I really need these questions answered and I just want to tell you that I love you. The kids are so ready for school to start. C is loving football. They are making enough money to pay for the fees to play soccer and football. Even Jer is happy to be getting into school. Burnadean wants me to become a sub bus driver which will take training time and a CDL but I am going to work towards it because by the time Jer is in Kindergarten then I would maybe be able to take over her spot. Then I would be home when they are and gone only when they are. I feel like the Lord is watching over me and our family as a whole in so many ways. Because it's been so wild a week of talking to authorities I can't think of anything much else. C says he met a friend of yours up at Timberline that you knew at college he wants to know if it's ok to say hi to her on your facebook I told him no. Ok Please tell us your adventures and I hope the two you mentioned last letter are getting to church and the one is being able to stay away from the addiction that he has. I love you lots.
Next week story about running out of gas on Mon. the craziest day last week. Also Dads computer is having a waze and I can't get the photos on his computer yet and there are a few really funny ones. Z and K totally muddy so so that You can not tell who they are.

Hi Tyrell it's your dad. It sounds like you are taking on alot of responsibility. It's good for you. You learn much about alot of stuff out there. A mission will teach you more in two years than four years of college. It has been raining alot the last couple of Weeks, and it makes it hard to get my hay put up. I and some other leaders took the scouts on a horse back ride up on Monroe mountain last Saturday and it was a great adventure. We will have to do it again when you get back. Keep working hard and pray much and study with a prayer in your heart. You have shown that you are successful. Build on that because there is no limit to what you can do. Success builds on success. Take care I have to go now.
To Dad
I've defiantly noticed some of the changes that have taken place since I've been here and you are defiantly right about the growth that you can have if you do it right. Man I miss going horse riding, every time I have an interview with the Mission President he says stuff about that, he owns a ranch somewhere there. It kinda makes me trunky at times. I like hearing about all of the stuff that happens on the farm so keep me informed, thanks Dad. I've been having some trouble with D&C section 121 when it talks about being reproving with sharpness but showing love afterward, I'm supposed to constantly help my district improve, but when I give suggestions, sometimes I just get a whole bunch of excuses and justifying back. How can I be more persuasive but not be overbearing?

Well I got to go, Love you dad


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