Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Praying for those that our missionary is trying to teach.

1. Are you doing ok money wise still?
1. Yeah i'm always ok money wise.
2. The dang kids ate my box of Captain crunch that I got for you, does it have to be the name brand or is the Malto meal in a bag kind just as good?
2.Malt o Meal is what i grew up eating so that's fine by me
3.How are the 4 people that we have been praying for doing?
3.Well those 4 people are ok but we made an interesting discovery this week which i will tell in the main letter
4. Tell me some tie colors that you would like or do you even care?
4. Green Blue, Red! Yellow....Whatever just send some awesome ties.
5. Dad says who did you give all your ties to usually that happens towards the end of your mission not before the one year point hits so he is wondering.
5.I've been giving them to recent converts that we baptize
6. Did you get Dads last advice note or only mine?
6. I did, i thought i replied but i don't think it sent for some reason
Those photos are all just random shots. I have no idea how to make them smaller to send to you so please tell me if you were able to see at least 4 pic to every send and there were 5 sends that I did. J sitting on the car with the smoke in the background is Sat as the fire began to flame up again. It has been burning for a little over a month now. Then there are pics at the county fair and just everyday catches of all the kids.
Well can't wait to hear your adventures for the week. Also tell us one faith promoting thing that happened to you.
Love Mom

Dear Family
Well i hope that i can type fast today because i have some interesting stories, but I'm only left with 30min and that time goes by fast especially when you are trying to think of how to write things down. Well i will start with Monday. Last Monday as i mentioned i had the opportunity to do a baptism interview. The interview was with an 18 year old kid named Layne. Now in the interviews we were taught not to make it seem like an interrogation or make it awkward and that is the first thing that i did. But i didn't realize i was doing it until after i had done so. We were sitting on the same couch and when everyone left the room it was bothering me because i had to turn my head all funny to talk with him so i grabbed a near by chair so i could face him. That made him a little bit nervous i think. So the whole time we were in the interview he didn't look at me and i was finding it very hard to find some common ground so i thought let's just get this over with and i started asking the questions. Finally at the end i asked if he thought he was ready to be baptized and after he said yes i replied "I think you are too"... it seemed like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders and he took such a big breath i thought i wasn't going to be any air left for me to breath. there was a big smile on his face and he opened right up. We called the others in the room and they were all very excited for him as we filled out the baptism record. He was successfully brought into the straight gate this Sunday.
Tuesday we went to see our dear brother Clifford and his brothers so we could help check on how they were doing and we came a cross a very interesting plant in the yard that we had not noticed before. To describe it it grows almost like a tomato plant, but it has 5 little leaves that all grow in a beautifully fan shaped pattern. And if you can't guess what it is I'll give you a hint. ( Marijuana) also known as (Dakga). This was very disappointing. The very thing we are trying to battle for our dear brother was growing in a nice little prepared space in the yard. As we stood there Elijah and Bongoni noticed us looking at the plant and realized that we knew what it was. Niether Elijah or Bongoni struggle with it but they didn't want to say anything to kind of protect their brother and themselves. Elijah acted like he didn't know what it was and Bongone Openly admitted to having purposefully stepped on it earlier. anyway we told them that we would leave it up to Clifford to remove it and then we tried to start our lesson. Unfortunately it was very hard to concentrate and after a minute Elijah stood up and pulled the plant violently from the ground, and then threw it in the outhouse toilet. We were very shocked at this and didn't want to take the blame, but Elijah explained that he would tell Clifford he did it and there wouldn't be a problem because Elijah is the older brother. with this we started the lesson and things went well. We later came to find out that Clifford was very understanding and he didn't even get angry. So we hope things will only get better. Unfortunately he didn't attend church with us yet.
Wed we went for more training, but this week it was at our chapel so we didn't have to travel so far. I think we are finally finished with all of it so now we can really get down to business and work.
Thursday we had very full day and we were able to set up a schedule with some of our Branch missionaries to make daily visits to Clifford so he can have a good influence around him at all times.
Friday we had an awesome opportunity to do some community service in Motupa, for a little place that cooks meals for children in the village. many of the kids don't have parents so it's quite a nice service opportunity. I sure hope it gives us a good impression for the people living around there
Saturday we also did some service at our branch presidents house, because we are really trying to gain a good relationship with him. We are trying to get some branch activities going so we are being as good as possible.
Sunday we had about 11 Investigators who attended church so that was a plus. Unfortunately many of those who have baptism dates did not come. We have a goal to Get 3 baptisms this month and we are coming close to making it but it will be up to the agency of those we are teaching.
Well I'm out of time sorry, i hope this is a informative e-mail, I'm doing better at writing in my journal.
Love Elder Jones
P.S. Dad i love you, sorry for not e-mailing again, i would still like to hear from you
P.P.S mom could you save my e-mails, many of them will make good journal entries. Especially many of the ones from my first months on mission.

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