Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Even little Z can write the Missionary.

From z
tyrell ilikeu iloveu urawosome haveuatetigermeat? tyrell beagood missionary. love z
P.S. Nope I havn't eaten tiger meat

1. Have you eaten hiskabobs, Uncle Tom wants to know, it's a snake with it's head cut off and skinned and then put a stick in it and roast it on the fire?
1. I haven't eaten a Hiskabob No. I actually haven't even heard of that.
2. Do you remember hearing about how people are called to certain places to serve their mission by Brother Rasban in conference this year? I shared that talk with C and he said wow I always wondered how it happened. He to said he would serve were ever the Lord wanted him to go. Chas Hathaway put the talk on his blog and that's how I found it to read to C.
2.Yeah that was a sweet! talk
3.What number are you at on baptising?
3. I haven't been counting. And maybe you could clarify.. Is that people who have been taught by me that have been baptized or is that people who I have actually baptized
4.How are you shoes holding up?
4.My shoes are ok.
5. Did you find a sweater vest to use?
5.Not yet. But I'm not sure I have enough in the account. I would need at least 20 bucks...I think.
6.Now that Elder Forman is in a new spot did you need a backpack sent to you that works better on a bike?
6.He let me keep the back pack. He goes home next month
7. I guess I never answered the question you asked about mission news letters do you want me to keep them? They are put out by your Mission Pres. every month and they post them on the mission home page. I would think that you could print them out at a later date if it is important when you get home.
7.Yeah I think I know what you are talking about. We actually get a copy of those. You should look up a story about Benjamin Moepudi.
8. So what is the name of the ward you are in right now? Do you know any of the kids that will be playing in theWorld Cup that attend your ward?
8.It's just the Dobsonville ward. The name of our area is the same as the ward. I'm not sure what you mean about the world cup thing because that is a national event with professional teams.
9. Did Linet get to be baptized yet? And what is happening with the Diesko family?
9.No she hasn't been baptized yet and she didn't come to church this sunday and we don't know why. The Diseko Family Is SWEET!!! Reneilwe, the sister is now on date and the family has been striving to keep the word of wisdom. They gave us all their tea and Tobacco to take away! but we think the Dad might still smoke every once and a while.
10.Have you found another family that is led by the Father yet?
10.yeah we've found a few. but we haven't met with them enough yet to know how things will go.

Dear Elder Tyrell Jones
This top note from Z was written and sounded out by himself with only a tiny help on the big words. Pretty soon he will be reading to us. Finally we have got the garden all in and today it went from cool to HOT. Hopefully it will cool a little so that the mountains let the water out slowly and we do not flood out. I have gotten more asparagus this year then ever before because of the cool weather. It will soon end now that its getting hot. I have kind had tunnel vision this week with trying to lose the last 3 pounds to my goal of 145 which is still being somewhat elusive. I have been getting up in the morning and walking and running to also get to running 3 miles but I am still only at 2 miles running. The kids are so sleep in and up late that is driving me crazy. I finally laid a threat that if there was anyone up late then on Fri. I would leave them here while I went to the family reunion. So they all believed me and stayed in bed at 11:00pm. We had some adventure of J driving from Scipio all the way to the hotel. She kept not being willing to pull over at Payson when I told her that I would drive now. Till finally I directed her off the ramp and she started to beg to be done cause the traffic was so close to her. I told her to bad now we were almost there. She was shocked when we pulled up to the hotel and she had driven for an hour and half. She even did pretty good through it all. We had hoped to have time to swim before leaving to drive up to Soldier Hollow were Alli Livingstons reception was being held. It was fun the best part was the photo booth that they set up to have your candid photos done and we all did goofy takes and then put one on her book as our signature for attending. I am going to scan them in and put them on our family blog so that we can see all the funny faces of our mini vacation this summer. My cousin Mystalyn's boys were out catching mice and rabbits and so the boys went right out to join up whether they knew them or not. They even saw a porcupine and Jer was so mad that he didn't get to see it cause he was inside with me. After that he was stuck to them like glue. When we got back to the hotel they all went swimming till 1:00 am, sleep and then back at it again at 9:00 am right down to the last 30 min before check out time. Then we went to Aunt Rozan's school and had a big dinner get together.Cody and Jer shared a birthday cake but Cody had to leave because no one would take his work shift. We didn't have a lighter so the candles were not lit so we all just started to sing Happy Birthday. Jer kept yelling not yet he was just about to cry when we ended and then yelled "Not yet there has to be fire on it first" one of my cousins lit it with a lighter and we all sang again. He was thrilled and blew his number 4 out very well. Dad had brought him a motorbike since he had been saying he was getting one for over a week along with a house, car, mustang, four wheeler, and you name it any car item he could think up. We got to see Nana June but Pa did not travel up he just didn't feel well enough to do it. I saw cousins I haven't seen in 19 years at least. It was fun connecting and finding out what they were all doing. Dad even was able to get someone to take his shift for the day and came up in the morning.J of course drove back with him so that she could drive her car back. C did not go with us because he was placed in charge of a scout camp so that he could divide patrols and assign out meals. They went up to the red water falls that you can slide down up in Capitol Reef. he said it was very very fun. I think you once went there with Bro. Howell. Dad said in priesthood today they were asking how you were doing and he told them some of your stories. So what is the total that you have of baptism amounts, have you kept track of that? Well I must be glad and secure that you are loving your mission because someone asked how long you had been gone and I said 6 months and Dad said no 8 and then we both realized it had been 9 time is flying so fast we are not even keeping track very well. Make the most of it of course thats why they say THE BEST TWO YEARS right. Love you tons have a great week and keep smiling. Keep discouragement at bay by saying your prayers all the time under your breath if necessary.

Your super duper great. and we love you lots. The Family

Dear Family
Well it's funny that you mention world cup, because this place has gone crazy!!!! Everyone has been painting the streets with BafanaBafana colors and South Africa flags. And every night you can hear people blowing on their Vuvuzela's (a trumpet like thingy) all over Soweto. Along with that, every person you meet on the street asks "Can you feel it?"
Well the story for this week happened on Sunday. There is a Less active member of the young men's who was recently baptized, and hasn't been coming to church and we found out that he was just sitting at home. So Elder Bakker and I organized the group of young men and we drove to his house to have church with him there. He was a little surprised at that but I think it was good for him. And I think it helped the young men to get a good sense of the importance of fellow shiping in the ward. Overall it's been a pretty good week for us and the area is slowly becoming stronger and stronger. There is rumour that I might be leaving so you'll find out about that next week but with some of the visa problems and the time Elder Bakker and I have been together I might just stay one more transfer, making this a 6 month stay in Soweto....But well just have to see. I wish I could say more now but I'm having trouble thinking of things to say.
Well I guess I can say that since I've come on mission my testimony has really grown, especially about the book of Mormon. That book is great and it will help you in any situation you come across. I Encourage everyone to read it and apply it to your life. I love the Church and I know that it is true. For all of those who are keeping strong... Keep on keeping on. And for all those who are finding it hard to stay the course. Talk to someone who will help, Read, and pray and you will find your way.
Elder Jones

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