Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
Click on to see what our family belives.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Near bottle hit! Thankgoodness a Miss.

Well, sounds like you've all had a pretty good week. I like hearing from the family still so keep sending e-mails and stuff. This week for us has been pretty awesome. We have had quite alot of success which seems to come from nowhere. We are just getting good investigators left and right. Just to tell highlights of the week, Saturday we taught two Father lead families. One was a part member family and the other were just regular investigators. We have been teaching the dad in the part member family and he accepted a baptismal date after telling us that he had received an answer that the things we are teaching are true. I feel like things are going to work out for him as long as he can start coming to church more. And the second family we taught was someone who stoped us as we were going past her house the other day and said she had a Book of Mormon but didn't understand it so we set an appointment and came by to explain. While we were there we found out that the ladies mother was a member and her step dad was actually 2nd counciler in the Dopsenville Bishopric. We also found out that they didn't know anything about Joseph Smith so we taught about the restoration. After reciting Joseph Smith history the lady said she had cold chills and that she felt really good and after the lesson both her and her husband, without us asking, said they knew what we were teaching was true. So from that we put them on date and the wife even came to church. The husband had a previous engagement so he couldn't but he said he will be there this coming Sunday. That basically brightened up our day a whole lot and we felt way good as we taught the rest of the lessons for the day. It was cool because Saturday is usually hard for us because everyone goes places and those who stay around are drunk. We must be doing something right.
Now for the story of the week. On Wednesday Elder Forman and I were riding from an area called Snake Park to main Dopsenville, Elder Forman in front, myself in back. When this drunk guy tried to get Elder Forman to stop. Elder Forman ignored the man because he was pretty drunk and wasn't worth talking to. After Elder Forman passed, the man stepped right out in front of me so I tried to go out around him which was hard because I was also trying to eat an apple at the same time. When I got close to the man he grabbed my sleeve in an attempt to pull me off the bike, which I was able to recover from without falling. I got passed the man when suddenly a liter sized beer bottle came whizzing an inch past my head going a hundred miles an hour. The bottle hit the ground in front of me and shattered into a million pieces. I looked back to see the angry man shouting and cursing at me. I told Elder Forman to just keep riding because he looked like was ready to go back and beat the crap out of the guy. After we rode down the rest of the road we stoped and talked about what had just happened and Elder Forman said he saw the whole thing. He also said he saw a truck full of guys get out and take care of the man so the whole thing was pretty intense. At least we got out without glass in our heads and all in one piece.

Anyway it has turned out to be an interesting week and I'm writing in a rush so it may not make sense, but as as for stuff for the package I have thought of some more ideas you could maybe send some:
Sunbursts, Definitely some sunflower seeds, some old fashioned horehound candy, and maybe some captain crunch.

Elder Jones

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