Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Missonary is Thankful for???

1. I hope that you are not going to use anymore money out of your account unless you tell me because you actually overdrew your account. I am not sure if it is because you were ahead of me or behind my deposit. Please tell me if you still need more so I can make sure there is more in there for you. Or could there be a possibilities of someone else accessing more after you used your account?
1. Yeah about the account, I figured that there was money in it so I actually used it to buy some emergency airtime for our phone, when we were trying to figure out Bro Kuda's situation. My card is secure, I just should have done a better job checking my account before I used it
2, Did you get a notice that they maybe have a package waiting for you at the mission home yet?
2.Well they usually don't notify us we just find out when they bring it, and they forgot to bring it for zone conference. I may find out on the 1st of Dec
3. What is the price of sunscreen there?
3.Sunscreen is way expensive!!!!
4. So do you still wash clothing in your own apartment? Take a pic to show us someday maybe even the fridge or the rooms that you are in.
4.Yeah we have a washing machine. We just have to hang dry everything
5.Yes we all read your letters on Mon morning or evening depending on how it all works are you worried that we don't all read them?
5.I just wasn't sure.
6.We ate oranges from Africa this week do you think they taste better there or here now that you can compare.
6.I actually haven't had an orange for a long time. But I think they taste the same
7. Is your favorite scripture still the same or have you got a new one these days?
7.Yeah I've got lots of favorites
8. How are all your greenies doing including your companion?
8.There doing really well, Their all very obedient and motivated. I'm worried that my companion is annoyed with me about something but when I ask he says everything is fine.
9. How do you feel about your mission right now HONESTLY, when people ask me I say he loves it and is really enjoying it but I want to use a word that you feel expresses how you feel about it please.
9.You've got it right. There are obviously frustrating days, but overall I LOVE my mission
10. Please tell us one thing that you are thankful for now that you have seen another country and are living far from home.
10.I'm grateful for my Family and for My companions and everything I can think of that makes my life easier.
Well this week has been a good week, but we didn't get alot of good proselyting due to leadership training and zone conference being on Tuesday and Wednesday and both of those activities took up a good portion of the day. but by Thursday everything was good and funny story there was a small earthquake here. We were sitting in our room doing our planning and there was a distant rumbling noise and a small quake. Elder Lechner and Byrnes in the other room didn't feel it though. Some of our investigators that day said they had felt it and others didn't know a thing. I wonder if it had anything to do with the earthquake there. Friday I was in Modjadji with Elder Palmer on exchange and I actually got permission to do a three way Exchange because my companion and Elder Palmer's comp cant drive. So I went with Elder Palmer. Elder Lechner went with Elder Searcy(Elder Palmer's comp) and Elder Rasi went with Elder Byrnes(Elder Lechners comp). It was interesting but i thing the rest of the district liked it so they could get to see the other areas. Saturday was a nice day, we had some few appointments in the morning that didn't hold, We found out Jerald and Faster are actually Muslim, We went to a church leadership training thing(because I needed to go as clerk) and it was actually really interesting to see. later we contacted a referral that we received from Elder and Sister Atkinson. And it was awesome!!! He was telling us his whole story and how he wanted to join our church and prepare for baptism. We had hardly even said anything yet. So we got to know a little about his needs and we decided we should just share shortly about "The Gospel Of Jesus Christ"(it talks about faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the holy ghost.....) After that we gave him a solid invite to church and the next day he showed up bright and early! Man it was cool! Later that night some of our appointments dropped so we called up one of our part member families that was preparing for baptism, but missed it because they went Zimbabwe, and we set thing straight with them. We gave them a new date to look toward and they are now on their way for Dec 12. Cross your fingers! their a great family though. Sunday we had the Africa wide District and Stake broadcast from church headquarters addressing directly to the African countries. We were addressed by Elder Oaks, Sister Dibb, and Elder Packer. Elder Oaks basically Shamboked(beat down) in a good way, some of the false African traditions and that was pretty cool. I hope it helps alot of the members of the church. anyway that was pretty much the week, and the today the most that has happened is I got a hair cut and we got our car washed. It's promising to be a fairly normal p-day and that's usually ok by me. Maybe I'll catch a nap who knows.
I love the family Too much
Elder Jones

Notes from the Fam
This week is Thanksgiving will you have an kind of a moment to think about it on Thursday? By the way we are thankful that you are serving and that you are learning so much about the good life that is there for the learning and taking. We are going to have our own dinner and then later go over to Jadies house with only Nana and Papa and Amber and Us. This will be the first time that Justin actually gets to see your letter that you sent him as he has been down at school since you sent it. Maybe then he will send a note to you after reading it. We were going to try and get a tree but now to night there is a ton of snow everywhere and we even took and parked the cars up on top so we had some in different places. Uncle Tom poured gravel on our hill so we kind of have a bit to have to drive through and with snow added to that mix we were worried about getting out of the drive way.
So I thought that there was lots of Chickens which would make lots of eggs right in that land of Africa. If the only thing that you could eat were eggs you would be getting enough protein to make it through the day. Did you know that? Those take as long to cook or boil as noddles. Start eating some so your body has enough protein. Also pack celery and peanut butter with you for fast snacking. They do have peanut butter right? The celery has fiber which a body needs and protein is in the peanut butter. I need a healthy boy when you get back here if you are going to keep up with all of us. Besides you must learn now or it only gets harder as you get older and have more on your plate to have to attend to. Right now there is only a mission and your physical needs and healthy eating is one of those parts that are in the physical need. Also Avocados are really healthy for you brain with low fat fats that your body can break down well. Do you need good tasting salt or do they have some?

The craziest thing happened on Tuesday night at about11:15PM I was just dropping off to sleep and Dad was just laying down on the bed when there was the craziest roaring sound and then a shaking. Dad was like what the heck was that and then I was wide awake thinking J had maybe just drove her car into the side of the house or some such thing as that. We went down the stairs and the dogs were barking off in the distance and all lights were out across the valley still. It was a 3.2 earthquake stated two miles from Jo meaning right about in our part of the valley. Close to Grandmas house and moving out towards Richfield.Jamie and Brock heard it but didn't really feel it very much. They said they could hear the sound echoing out towards our house so it must have started there somewhere. We really quickly called J and she was on her way from the High school but hadn't felt a thing. After that I really do not like the idea of boys in the basement for a bedroom to much. Not that being up in the air feels much better really.
We talked about listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and how each of us has times when we know things that we should do but maybe we don't do, or the whispers are rather quiet and we have to practise heeding the warnings. Then there are times that the warning is really very loud and maybe even repeated again loudly and we instantly see the result of what could have been had we not obeyed. I hope that I will practise listening better and better because I can think of many a time that he told me and I wasn't paying attention very well at all. But then there are other times that I payed lots of attention. I think that when I take the time to have a quiet moment in the morning along with reading my scriptures is when I am better about listening and hearing what he has to warn me with through out the day.
Brother Levi asked how you were doing and I said great and named off all your jobs that you have at the moment. His response was that out of all the boys he knew you would be one that would have the energy that that takes to do them
We are hoping that your investigators week was somehow less painful and that you have been able to share the fact that families can be forever to him. We have prayed that the pain would lesson and that he could still listen to the truth that the Lord is tyring to help him to know to get through this painful time. We are a bit unclear as to if the Bro. Samuel was the son or someone else that lived with Bro. Modika.
Mc wrestled this week and won two and lost one he is learning so much and trying to take it all in. K is working hard at wrestling also and he is going with the Jr. High kids because he is so much bigger then the other kids that are his age. C made the weight and now knows how to eat good and drop it fast now if he can just keep it up. He is on the Varsity team as he beat out the 112 and the 119 kids that were going into those spots.
Hope you like all the news and the questions. Make sure to write a tiny note to J she says you never write her back so make sure she feels the love today she needs it a bit.
Love you and keep smiling as doing a great job. Love the Family

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