Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Monday, November 23, 2009

A Singing South African Update!

1. What are the names of the elders you flew with from Utah?
2. What color is your house?
3. What did you eat for breakfast?
4. Do you sometimes ride bikes and sometimes ride in car?
5. What is the name of the nearest gorcery store?
6. What are the elders names that live in your flat with you?
7. Did you get a new companion at transfers or is everything staying the same for you at the moment?
8. How is all your supplies holding out and will you be able to find contact solution there?
9. Do you wish you had a diffrent coat or is that working good?
10. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much closer are you to the Lord then you were on the day you entered the MTC?

1.The names of the elders that flew with me from utah are... Elder Udy, Stodmiester, Jensen, Gustin, Randell, Norton, lechner, and a bucnh more that i can't remember right now
2.We live in a flat and it's made of red brick. everywhere hear is bascially made of brick even the sidewalks and roads.
3.I didn't eat breakfast because i'm out of food for this week and we are going shoping after this.
4.We Ride bikes every other day and have the car every other day because we share between the two elders that we live with.
5.The nearest grocery store to us is called Pick & Pay.
6.The elders living in our flat is Myself, Elder Martin(companion), Elder Mcombs, and Elder Walgamott.
7.I Did not get a new companion this transfer but Elder willson Went home and Elder Walgamott took his place.
8.My supplies are fine and everything is good, but i think i might need some tums in that christmas package.
9.The coat is fine and it keeps the rain of good so it's great.
10. I'd say i'm at 6

By the way that makes it way easier for me to answer questions based on the time i have.
So this week as been pretty good. On monday we had a kind of lame p-day because Elder willson was sick so we couldn't really go anywhere. But by tuesday he was feeling a little bit better. That day we were all able to get to our morning apointments and teach, but after that all four of us had to drive to jo'burg to the airport to pick up Elder willson's parents who were picking him up from mission. after we picked them up they rented a car and elder willson and his companion went with them to show them the way back to the flat. Elder martin and myself got lost in the airport while trying to find where we parked because we weren't paying attention when we got there because we didn't drive. Eventually after some critical thinking and asking some people, we found the car and we got on the road home. On Wednsday morning before transfers, Elder willson's parents took us to breakfast and then we were on our way to transfer meeting. Transfer meeting was awesome. it was like a recharge for the next six weeks. We got to hear the departing testimonies of the departing missionaries and we got to meet the new elders coming into the mission. Elder Walgamott was one of them. I'm Not the Youngest on mission anymore!!!! But anyway after transfers we had some apointments and they went well. Thursday was a normal day of mission work and all that good stuff. Friday we had a Very Good District Meeting about the concept of having light and truth in our lives. I had a cool thought during that DM it was that we are out here teaching peopl truths wich is a form of light. Our investigators can choose to use that light to see more truth. I really liked that thought. After district meeting we had lunch and the went to our apointments, which that was ok... but alot of the investigators bailed on us... and we were in the freezing rain... on bicycles. But every day here is a good day as long as you learn somthing. Saturday we had a bit of a sturggle talking to people because we didnt' have many apointments set and the ones we did didn't show. But At least the sun had come out and it was warm agin finally. Sunday WAS AWESOME!!! I enjoyed sunday alot. We confirmed the 5 people that we baptized last sunday and we had an awesome day. It seemed like the whole week that the subject of opposition in all things kept comeing up and it even came up in church. and now i think i know why. One of the people we taught yesterday was Kabelo. He had backed out on baptisim last week because of his brother talking him out of it. Well kabelo told us that he felt super bad for doing that and that he didn't want to listen to his brother anymore. And through that the subject came up again. We talked to him about how the devil was going to try and do everything that he could to stop Kabelo and we reasured him that this was the right thing to do. He is now on date for baptsim again and he is ready. we are going to keep meeting with him and helping him until that day. But he is an awesome kid he has always been so excited about the gospel. Please pray for him.

But now for the story of the week!!!!!! Drumroll Please:
Also on sunday before everything with Kabelo happend, we were looking for someone to teach because we had some time. So we went to a house that we had previously visited for a brief time, but we didn't really know the people because we had never been able to sit with any of them. Well we walked up to the house and they must have seen us coming because i watched someone reach out and close the window. well we knocked on the door, and know one answered. So we knocked again, and nothing happend. Elder Martin said that they didn't want us to teach them so we were going to leave but i really didn't want to be turned down like that so i told him that we were going to sing until they opend the door and elder martin really did not want to do that and then i suggested some christmas songs and we started singing Angels we have heard on High. Soon after that we heard a click on the door and someone peeked out. Turns out that the person who had closed the window was alone and was just scared that we were some people that had been harrassing her. We endend up teaching her about the restoration and she seemes very interested. IT WAS SO COOL! We sang to get someone to answer the door.

any way that was the week and it really rocked so i hope i have filled you all in very well and i hope you have a good rest of the week.I love hearing from everone but, again i am out of time.

I love you family
Scincerly Elder Jones

P.S. J. and C. can keep e-mailing me if they want

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