Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Monday, August 8, 2011

The last letter from Africa

Well, I don't know what to say. I feel a bit mixed right now. I'm
scared to death of coming home, but at the same time I'm excited to
see my family and start a life of my own. This has been the best
experience I've had my whole life and it is now coming to a close.
Last night was my last day of teaching, as Elder Kafeero and I will be
leaving tonight for Gaborone and then at about 6:30 tomorrow morning
we will be on our way to Johannesburg to the transfer meeting. I hope
that what I've done here is of value to those who have been effected,
as well as the lord. I know there are things that I could have done
better, there are mistakes i could have avoided, but in answer to you
question Mom, I think I've served well. I love you all and I'll see
you on Wednesday


Elder Tyrell James Jones

 Dear Elder Tyrell Jones
Its been a rough day, with kids arguing and name calling so I feel like a rung out Mom. We came home from church and hurried to eat lunch and then popped popcorn and made lemonade and drove up to see the huge flash flood that came down because the mountain burned last summer. We also went all the way to the top of sawmill bench and looked at the burned mountain. SAD it will never be a good camping place in mine and your Dads life time again. But there is lots of firewood its just going to be a really messy job to get it. This week there was the flood that left all of shingle creek that did not get burned wiped out now because of the water. It was so bad it almost wiped out Ed Shaws home at the bottom. The water hit 8 feet high in places along the walls of the narrows. Several other places were at sever risk too but in the end all came out safe just alot of clean up which because of the fair our kids are not going to be able to serve in the shovel clean up. Tue. the kids are all to haul the animals in and have the big intro meeting that evening at the same time that's when they were going to have  kids shovel the gardens and yards out of mud that went everywhere.
We have spent the whole week trimming animals and trying to work the not behave kinks out of a few stubborn ones. K has one sheep that is really hard to make walk and Jo's steer is not to nice at times. I guess they will just have to learn fast with the one day they have left to work them.

The night that the storm brought the flood I just talked about Jo and I were washing the steers to start trimming. She looked up and said wow Mom your hair is standing straight up in the air on top. I looked at hers and the same thing was going on with hers. We really quick finished washing and moved away from that spot. The electricity in the air was scary and we did not want to feel it by any means. The FFA teacher had just got there and she was like hey get out of that water. Dad had been on his way over to tell us we needed to quit before something hit us. As soon as we got over to Brock and Jamie's our hair stoped floating in the air.
Mc went to Timberline all week and had lots of fun doing that and will start football this mon. evening. C started but this week will be out because of finishing the steers off. Mc was also made 1st counselor of the Deacons and has to do a presentation at 7am Sunday morn at the stake center. He also has his first game Sat and he is thrilled that you will be here to watch him but you will most likely have to split yourself in two as K will do his horse show and want you there too. Ya your going ot feel like a pulled apart person until the novelty wears off that your here.
I got a message from a young man named Mykel you is thrilled to get to see you this month at a mission reunion called your talk. I am not sure what more to say as the week just flew past so fast I almost did not have time to breath. I have a few of your school books but we will have to go up to snow to get the rest sometime next week. And then we need to start cutting wood because heck its already getting cold at night which is really eery usually we are sweltering when we sleep but not this year to much rain. You will be just in time to bale hay cause Dad is cutting this week and already got the swather stuck in our mini river that runs by the side of the hay. Well that's all from our side of the world give us a few crazy days and we will be seeing you soon.
1.C was talking about that trench coat not the suit coat when he said you had to bring it home. You do not have to bring it home it has already gone through 3 of your other cousins by the time C serves in 5 years it will have lived a nice life there in Botswana serving someone else so not necessary to bring it home. It would be better to choose something else to take around the world, choose something that you can assign that tradition to and then tell the boys what it is when you get here making it an important symbol for C to work towards for when he serves.
 2. Also C said this about the letter question "I guess he does not think emails are letters, but Mom you still better send an email just in case." So this is the last missionary email to you Elder Tyrell Jones because then you will be home in two days.

 4.What more can I ask then have you served well?????

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