Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Monday, April 4, 2011

One more missionary day.

1. I wondered what your attitude would be if the Lord needed you to come home early to help

save the lives of others as in the case of some of the 45 missionaries that were sent home from Japan to make room for the ones who just arrived and so that the members would focus on rebuilding instead of concern to feeding the missionaries. Or in a possible other reasoning that the Lord would need you to say be home early how would you prepare yourself for that? Like Dad said he had to change the way he thought because of being sent home early as they changed the dates of the mission lengths world wide to 18months.
1. I guess I would do whatever I would be asked to do, but I think I'd be a bit sad. Luckily South Africa doesn't usually suffer from natural disasters, but you never know.

2. Who is the young black boy that you two are sitting on the couch with in the photos you sent?

2.Well He's actually a young Indian boy. His dad is a member and his mom is not a member. They recently moved out of our area so we were taking goodbye pictures on his birthday

3. What would it cost to ship that crate home verses giving away all your stuff and putting it into your luggage that would come home with you? C saw the wrestle shirt and was really surprise that you had taken it with you and wondered if you were now sick of the stuff you have with you and if you are leaving it there?
3.I'm not sure, the problem is I don't have everything that I want to send home yet so I've been waiting.

4.So I assume that you are now the senior companion again as the zone leader or was there a transfer of you also?

4.I don't have any idea whether I'm senior companion or not, transfers doesn't happen until tomorrow. and I won't even find out who my companion is until around 3:00. I'm still in the area, usually only one companion gets transferred at a time. If both gets transferred that means the closed the area for missionary work so I'm staying.

Well this week has been pretty hectic. Monday was normal Tuesday was normal except alot of appointments fell through. Wed was normal, and then came Thursday. Thursday we had our weekly planning as always and then when we were just outside of our 1st appointments, we got a phone call from the assistants telling us that we had to move on Friday, the following day. I must admit that was a bit of frustrating news, because we were told that we were going to move today, which is Monday and we had already made plans for all of those things to work out. So the free time we had on Thursday was spent going around cancelling our Friday appointments. Anyway moving to Friday, things worked out. We got to got to the temple with our zone which had been scheduled and was unchanged by the moving plans, then straight after we started packing and with the help of the housing couple Elder Sibley and Sister Sibley, we are now living in a new house. The house is bigger because tomorrow two other Elders will be moving in with us, because their opening up Elder Seastrand's and my Second area, Centurion, with their own elders. It's kind of exciting. We also got news that Place called Kwaguwa, is being brought into our zone and we are losing the Centurion area and they are making a new Centurion zone. It's history in the making I guess. I hope everything will go well and I hope I can orient the two new Elders to their ward as well as my companion to our ward and zone.
Saturday was a very nice day, we got to take Benee, Maria and Irene to see the temple grounds and have a little picnic with them. They are very excited to get to the temple and be sealed after one year of being members of the church.
Then Sunday we had the baptism of Benee, Maria and Irene. It was really special. They are going to be a strong family in the gospel. Benee already paid tithing last week, and they are holding family home evenings on their own. they read their scriptures each night and always say family prayer. They are definitely the model Family as of right now. Their still learning but their learning fast.
Most of today is going to be spent helping Elder Seastrand prepare his luggage and everything he needs to go home. It's crazy how fast time flys! I met him three months ago and he's already out of here. Crazy crazy crazy. I hope everyone is doing well, I hope all of the stresses of life in the family get ironed out and every one can keep smiling.

Elder T. Jones.

Mon, Apr 4, 2011
The news happenings
This week Dad took off next week so that he can plow and plant and clean up the corrals because the winter made a big mess. He never gets a farm full work day so he has been deciding that this is how he will get a jump start on the farming. Spring is also so teasing us these days. as it will be warm enough for shorts and then back to coats and boots from tons of snow. He is alos listening to his mission tapes and trying to figure out a way to get them on to paper form so that he has a record in case his tapes die. Sat Mc played his first soccer for Middle school and they won against North Sevier.  C and Mc went to Priesthood session all by themselves because Dad was plowing. C was very please when our fast resulted with that fast of an answer today. It was the most peaceful Sunday we have had in a very long time too because he tried very hard to stay reverent. C played against Grand and they won too. He is a really good player also and made several points and blocked lots of possible scores. Jer is just getting smarter and smarter with all the things he can do. He still sucks at eating but at least I have gotten him to drink a few more healthy protein sources now days.
I have not been running this last month because of trying to study for me test and because of the cold but I am gearing up to get going now that it seems to be getting a bit warmer. Please be really careful running with your really old shoes unless you got new ones. Old shoes can cause shin splints or heel injury's so slow and steady and how are you shoes holding or did you get a new pair? Also I would like you to bring home only one thing should you choose to leave everything else. Please bring your most torn apart shoes so that some day we can show your posterity what kind of missionary you where by the soles of your feet.
Oh sorry about no photos again. Hopefully next week everyone will be able to unload their cameras as only Dad, Justin You and Jamhal were missing when we all got our pictures taken on Jadies front porch. I of course forgot mine ugha. Jathan is supposed to send me his.
Love you lots have a great week of new changes and goodbyes,
Love Mom and the Family

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