Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Friday, September 4, 2009


Recovering from surgery, A Baptism, Fair Days and Showing lambs, 4-H and Peewee 4-H and Riding the Sponsor Flags for the Rodeo, going to the Temple with Tyrell, and last but not least get every thing ready for School to start. Aug felt like it flew by and we hardly have time to catch our breath. There was so much that had to be done for the lambs and then cramming the horse practicing in made for a really busy first two weeks this month. Tyrell just worked and thank goodness didn’t have to work on days that I needed him to drive the truck and trailer for J’s flag practices. J. showed her sheep and won a blue ribbon and third place for her weight bracket. Alonzo learned to shear sheep and next year the kids get to learn; since his back felt broke and it took at least three days of four different shearing tries. One Lamb was so ticklish it was crazy. C. showed his lamb and almost won but the lamb jumped just as the judge was going to select him and so he changed his mind. He still sold it for a great price. M. learned tons for his first year, he got to do the showmanship and got his t-shirt but his lamb didn’t make weight so she came home and we will be breeding her and making a herd for ourselves. M. and J. did the 4-H horse show and M. took a white ribbon for keyhole and a red ribbon for barrels and then by points was selected to represent Sevier County for the State 4-H show. He isn’t being brave enough to go so maybe next yr. He took second in the group over all and his self esteem isn’t up to allowing him to know that he can beat the girl that took first especially if there are going to be many other girls like her at the big state show.
J. took blue ribbons in Poles and Barrels and third in Horsemanship, Western Pleasure and the big test. She tied for second with another girl to represent Sevier County at the State 4-H show and she is thrilled, it’s been a long time coming with stupid horses that she has always had to start from scratch with every year it seems. She has a barrel run time of 18.69 and its getting slowly shaved down, on a horse that we least expected to be a good horse. She had a blast riding the sponsor’s flags and then their group got invited to ride the American Flags for the Western Extreme 15 Barrel races. She would have loved to try ridding the barrels in the open class competitions the next day but we were going to the Temple with Tyrell and couldn’t haul her and just leave her there. The show is to air on RFD TV, At Your Leisure TV and but we are not sure what days. C. started football right after the fair got over and so every night he is at practice and the walls are safe inside the house again for a bit. They have only won one game, there isn’t many on their team so they get really tired. K. and Z. with cousin B. did the Pee Wee show and learned tons and had a blast. We are in for it next yr because all they do is fight over who gets to ride the horse after each event.
Tyrell and J. went and got their Patriarchal Blessing what a sweet moment that was in the busy month.
SCHOOL STARTS one in high school, one in Jr. High, three in Elementary and one in Preschool. I am not sure if it’s easier or not since I spent the first three days there at one of the schools. Jer. really thought the first day of riding the bus was cool the second he didn’t think was so great to have to leave Mom and the third day he told the bus driver all kinds of things and was too busy to tell me goodbye.
Soccer started too for M., K. and Z.. Its Z.’s first time and he loves it. It’s funny to watch the things theses little guys do when they are trying to be so big. M. is in to winning and K. loves to be the Goalie. Even Jer. said I got my soccer ball; it was a tiny bead that he threaded on a necklace at school. Well that sums up a busy summer and the busiest of all the months. Even Alonzo had changes he was released from his stake calling in the Sunday school presidency after three years in there. Bring on September we are ready for that adventure.

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