Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Friday, February 25, 2011

A day in a Zone leaders life in Africa, Missionary work

1. So did you decide what one video documentary you could make if you had the opportunity to change the lives of people in south Africa
1a. Well, for a documentary I would have to say I don't know. unless it's just a documentary about missionary work.
2. How has your opinion of the atonement changed since you have been out over a year and a half?
2a.Well I'm not sure what you mean about my opinion of the atonement, but I can say I understand it much better now. It's one of those things that I can't really put into words and it's probably better to keep it personal.
3.What is one Gospel Principal that you would like to become better at and are working on now.
3a.I would really like to be better at Knowledge
 You forgot to answer these questions last time my dear.
1. Does anyone ever ask for extensions to their missions these days? Are you, just wondering?
1b.Yeah allot of missionaries do, but they usually don't get approval because they say we are called to serve for two years and then comes life. There is the occasional exception like if you don't have anything to do when you get home because of school or what what.but even then its rough.
2. What one thing would you want us to send to you this next month?
2b.Lots of photos and letters from people.
3. Please tell us one scripture that has helped you this week.
3b.Well that's a good question. I'd have to say John 15:7 combined with the Bible Dictionary under prayer.
4. When should a person ask the missionaries to meet with one of their friends?
4b. A person shouldn't ask the missionaries to come. They should introduce the friend to the missionaries. Invite the friend to a dinner with the missionaries. You don't have to wait to do that or have a special moment. Just do it.
5. How do you prepare for fast Sundays as a missionary?
5b. We prepare just the same as anyone would. We fast starting Saturday night or Sunday morning and then just fast.
 African Zone Leaders life read all about it here.
 Well this week was a pretty good week. Monday felt really hectic because we didn't have time to do much of anything, in fact we did our shopping and went straight to our first appointment with our groceries in the boot of the car. Tuesday, we had our exchanges.  Wed. was a pretty normal day. Thursday we had another Exchange for interviews, and then we switched back Thursday night. Friday was awesome. We had a temple trip and it's the first time I've been to the temple since April last year so it was really refreshing. Unfortunately Elder Seastrand couldn't come into the session because his recommend had expired, and he had forgotten to check. I think he was really upset because it may have been his last chance to attend the temple here before he goes home. It was a nice lesson of getting your recommend updated before it expires so you don't have a situation like that. I feel like I learned allot in the session and came out with a lot of questions to study up on. After the temple trip, I got to be on exchanges with Elder Lechner, one of my favorite missionaries in the world. He's now my district leader so he gets to conduct exchanges with me. I'm going to be friends with that guy even when I'm home. Saturday was a normal day, thank goodness, it's been really hectic having to do so many exchanges because half the people we are now teaching and have appointments with, I have never met and the other half, Elder Seastrand has never meant. (I'm exaggerating a little bit but that's how it feels) Sunday was great. We had some great investigators at church, but unfortunately we didn't see Clyde there. We didn't get to see him at our last appointments so that may have attributed to that. We did see however some investigators that we have had trouble contacting lately so it was nice to see that they can still progress. After church we had lunch and prepared to teach a U-night. It's a program that members invite non-members to as a kind of social gathering and they have a spiritual thought and game. The u-night was fantastic and they asked us to give the spiritual thought. We talked about the sacredness of families and their part in Gods plan. I think it got allot of people thinking, so we should see some fruit.
     Sometimes life as a leader can be stressful. There's so much you have to be thinking about all of the time and there is allot of places you have to be all at once. It's a good thing that there are two of us cause if it wasn't that way I don't know what we'd do. I feel like I'm really learning allot as of recently and really how important prayer has been. I know that the power of prayer is real, it just takes effort and faith. you have to pray for things that are according to Gods will, because he's not going to give you something that isn't in his plan. I'm really grateful for the spirit because without it we couldn't get half as much done as we should. He's always giving impressions and thoughts that help us keep going. Keep on praying and learning. Something I could suggest for the family to have and study is "Preach My Gospel" the principles there are meant to teach missionaries how to teach, but also how to convert yourself. You should get it and study it.
Love Elder T. Jones
P.s. Mom could you get Wills address for me, I'd like it before he sends me a letter or something 

The families weekly news brief
Well Jo and T and now Cod are all working to get her new friend Ta to church, seminary,young women's, and the missionaries will be making contact with her tomorrow when she goes to church with Cod cause me and Jo saw the missionaries at the Wrestles and told them that she was going to go to church with Cod. They said that was where they were going to be tomorrow also and they knew Cod because he had gone on splits with the one the other week. So Ta even told me that she was so excited because Jo was going to get her some scriptures for Christmas, I was like why wait so long  for them. Jo told me that she already has a Book of Mormon so the rest of the set would be a nice thing to have too. Cod will be going on a mission in about 6 months so hopefully there will be some changes that can take place real soon.
 Well today is Sunday and she went with Cod, she was wearing Jo skirt but i haven't heard what happened yet. She lives in Aunt Ambers ward so Aunt Amber is going to look out for someone who could fellowship her in their ward also.
Well we are all done with the wrestling THANK goodness maybe now we can get the house cleaned back up and the laundry off the couch and a whole bunch of other things done. Maybe some boys can get some scout things finished and clean their room up so its walkable in. C is wanting to play soccer so we will see how that goes. On a funny note at the end of the wrestle season there were two broken hands and a broken elbow of D B. C received the Biggest Heart award and lettered in wrestling so he felt pretty good and this week he has to stay after school so that he doesn't get to behind in typing and weights since his arm kind of handicaps him in that area. Mc wrestled like crazy and took second place, he said there is one kid that he has just not been able to beat all year but next year he is going to have it be different cause C is going to teach him some new moves to use on him. K took first because there was no one in his bracket his size but they bumped him up to 4th grade to wrestle and he took second in that area. Z took second also and the coach gave Jer a medal and he calls it his gold, he even had to take it to church today. Sam wrote to his Mom and she forwarded it, he says he will feel like he is in heaven when he returns as their housing is much to be desired and they have very little water to be able to use. I guess you could say you have it cushy over there right now.  Devin is I don't know were right now. Will made contact over his new facebook and said if you want he will make room for you in Ephraim when you get home even if you are not in school yet, he is going into a halfway point of the school that has already started but it isn't looking like that is possible by the way the schedule looks for when you arrive. I told him how to get your address so hopefully he will find a min to write you in all the settling he is trying to get done.
Well that's all Love the family 

Letter from Z
i love you ty i missu to. I took 2nd place in wrestling. hav you ate a worm. mom has a new phone. dad mis u.hav u had a fun tim.i love you ty.       love z
Letter from K
 dear tyrell 
i love you and i took first in wrestle and it wus my first time ever.
 I am in the blue and gold banquet as a cowboy this year. So you remmeber doing scout skits?
I am about to become a webelo I am all done with my bear book. i get to do 4-H this year.
love k

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