Dear Tyrell
I'm sorry I don't write as much as I should. Things get busy and I don't take the time to let you know how proud I am of you. Mom talked with your companion's parents this week, I'm sure she will fill you in on the details. We bought a car this week that runs on natural gas. It has saved us a lot of money so far. The only down side is the places are limited to fill it up. It's used and has a lot of miles on it but it is new to us. The suburban is on its last tire. I hear a lot of good things coming from that area. Your Mission President sent us a letter two weeks ago and told us what a good job you are doing. You will never know how much you have changed the world in these short two years, but you do. With all the things happening in this world, it’s great to see positive and uplifting things taking place little at a time. Stay focused and work harder than ever. Time is getting short. It's time to take the things you have learned so far and put them to work. For me the last six months became the most productive because it took until then to get things right. Staying focused gets harder the closer you get to coming home. But if done right it will become the most productive time of your mission. The Gospel of Jesus Christ Is moving through the world like a forest fire and you are a part of that fire. I may not say much about my thoughts and feeling about the Gospel but it is the way back to our Heavenly Father. The Savior Jesus Christ is divine and he is the head of that great and glorious plan. By following his plan can only bring you happiness. I do believe that.
Well son take care and work hard and pray often. You are in our thoughts in all of our prayers every night. You couldn't make me any prouder than I am. My Mission President when I first arrived in the mission field gave me some good advice. He said you only have two years to make the best of your mission and then you have the rest of your life to think of it and talk about it. That is so true. There isn't a week goes by right now that something happens that reminds me of an experience I had while serving the Lord. I Love you and think of you often.
Love Dad
Letter from the Missionary to the Dad
Hey Dad thanks for the e-mail, it always gives me a boost when you send me something. This week has been good but a little bit challenging, at least in the end of the week on Wednesday we had exchanges and it was actually a really good exchange. I was with Elder U, the missionary that sat next to me on the plane ride over, and he's been struggling a little bit. The last couple of areas he's been to have been areas that he came into a whole lot of clean up and so he's been losing his joy for missionary work. I hope the exchange went well, he said he was going to do better by the end and so I now have to call him every once in a while to follow up on how he's doing. Thursday we had weekly planning and exchanges so it was kind of hectic. Elder Seastrand and I got back together Friday morning, planned for an hour, then drove to a township about 30 min away and then switched again. I then had to drive back having only gone that direction once and you guessed it, I missed our exit and we lost a whole lot of time. By the time we got back to the area, we had missed our appointments and only had time to visit our Bishop before we had to travel to another area again.(we cover two wards) Well this time I got pulled over in a routine police stop that they do around here, missed another exit and missed our last teaching appointment as well. I think the only effective thing we got to do was tract for 20 min and have correlation with the other ward mission leader. I've got to admit I was a little frustrated but after looking back, a lot of good happened. I got to talk a lot with Elder Kelly (the missionary I was with) and see things that we both could improve. His district is doing the best in the zone so he shared a little about what he's been doing. Now on Friday morning we were supposed to attend our districts district meeting and do splits with the Assistants, but I made the mistake of leaving our phone with Elder Kelly and didn't notice until we had already made it back home. So we had to pick up the assistant and the go back again to get our phone. Man I had a headache, but I learned a lot. I've recently been working on having much more meaningful prayers and it's paid off. On Saturday we had an appointment and I prayed that he would be able to accept the message. I also prayed that if he wasn't home we would be able to find someone who was prepared and I asked if it could be a Father led Family. Well we got to the appointment and no one answered when we knocked so Elder Seastrand called him and sure enough he wasn't around. Hoping that we could receive answers to our prayers, I spotted a lady that was walking down the street and started talking with her. She said she had a family, but unfortunately they are in Angola, she told us she would call us if she wanted us to come and then walked away. As I turned around a man was pulling into his driveway and he waved to us to come and talk with him. He invited us in and we taught him and his wife. That was really powerful and a definite answer to prayer. Over all it's been a good week and its crazy how fast time flies’s because this transfer is in its last week and it feels like I just got here. You should send me some crazy stories about your mission.
Love MilkToast
AKA The first little Alonzo Jones boy that got called this name
whenever they had to do hard work chores on the farm funny thing is he hated being called this..
Dear Elder T. Jones Letter from the Mom
Where do I begin there was so much that happened that I hope I can keep it all strait.
1. Mc of course tried to drive over the log that you saw and now the sub is in full need of repairs that will cost almost more then its worth to put into the car. So Dad got a car that will hopefully save us a small fortune as the price of gas goes up up up. The red truck took the amount it would cost to pay the car payment to fill up in gas and that just made Dad cringe into getting the new car that I am sure you will get when you come home.![](
2. Tue night after wrestle practices, C had a learning lesson on listening to the shouts of the Holy Ghost and the consequences of what happens when you choose not to. He said before hitting a 200 pound back of the head that he could hear a voice saying don't do it and was looking at D B but his lips were not moving and hearing "don't do it don't do it" and then just doinging it any way cause by that time he was in defense mode and mad. Thus a broken hand called a boxer break, we had xrays on Wed morning fanagled an appointment to hurry and do a half cast which meant we went to Provo on Thursday and got a special cast allowing the wrist and knuckles to move made to be able to still wrestle by a sport orthopedic hand specialist. While waiting to get into the cast maker we went and met your mission companions Mom, Dad and little sister. We had a rather fun get to know, even got to watch Elder Seastrands try for Broadway (well ok rest home, Oklahoma sing out as a priest) while we we there. Rushed back to get the cast on and then rushed to meet with the team that was playing laser tag before the State Wrestle tournament. I went home went to work on Fri and then Dad and I turned around and went back up to stay the night but missed C's matches as they were early in the day. He won both of them that day. The next day Sat. he won the first a kid that he beat all year those are the photos of him doing his squeeze on this kid, The kid really hates him and is the one who tried to hit him and the ref intervened. The next kid got ahold of his hand and he had a hard time getting it a way, after that his fire was a bit gone from the pain he was having in his hand along with the fact that he couldn't hold on with anything but the one hand. The kid beat him by one point after that was the Millard kid and without the two hands he just couldn't do it. So he places 4th but next year he says that will not be how it will play out. The cool thing is that he is the only freshman on that stand all the rest are Jr. and Seniors. That alone was an accomplishment.
3 Mc went on his first Kondike and they won that made him feel really good and he even stayed alive and didn't freeze and it hasn't been the warmest kind of winter this year. I didn't even have to hardly help him pack he had it all ready to go on Thur when I got back from Provo along with having the chores done and the fire all stoked up.
Jo helped me by watching the boys and of course talking Aunt Amber into helping her so she could go on a date Sat. day along with T talking his Mom into helping him on Fri night so they could go on another date with his big brother and new friend. Next week Jo will be bringing this new friend to Church as she is not a member and she has invited her to go to girls camp with her too. She fully intends on helping her to become a member so watch out the girl is getting missionaryish. T and Jo have tried to stoke the fire twice now and I fully recommend that they should make sure that they have a different source of heat in thier houses when they are adults as they suck at it and we have to fix it every time after. Mc wishes that he had been awake to help them because he ended up with the cold shower this Sunday morning after the take an hour shower girl got done with her luke warm one.
Today superman was on and Jer saw it and went up and put his PJs on then told me that he needed new super pants because there was a hole in the middle and the power fell out. Never laughed so hard, he also does not fly he rides his mot-er bike to the rescues. He alternates to a dog for Z's benefit periodically through the day.
Dad finally feels better and Mom is so glad that there is only one more week of wrestling because I am so tired of it now. I will have to go again to Provo so C can get a cast that is permanent and to make sure that nothing got riped up while wrestling. We have to be back by 2 so its going to be the craziest drive ever.
I have a really cool Hello Jones family on my facebook from a fellow that I think you know that just flew in from Columbia by the name of Will Casper.
Justin Carter is in LA performing at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival his group made it to the finals and preformed on Sat. Thats about all I know of that.
Robbie and Nathan return from their parts of Africa in two weeks it will be interesting to talk to them if I run into them.
I haven't heard updates on your other cousin missionaries so sorry no word but they must be doing great still.
It seems so strange to sit and think that almost two years have gone by and yet it isnt feeling like that much time as past all at the same time. Especially when I look at the basement and its not getting done very fast so there is still not a room to put you into at the moment. Not that you are very concerned about that I am sure. I am so grateful for all the things that you are learning and gaining that will help you to be the very best father and leader and continuing server to the Lord which is what our lives are supposed to be balanced with. Well I dont want to take up any more space because I want you to take up the space with what your mission is teaching you and helping you to gain that will help you be a better person.
Love you have a super great week and teach many beautiful Children of God.
1. Does anyone ever ask for extenstions to thier missions these days? Are you, just wondering?
2. What one thing would you want us to send to you this next month?
3.Please tell us one scripture that has helped you this week.
4.When should a person ask the missionaries to meet with one of there friends?
5.How do you prepare for fast sundays as a missinary?
Missinary Letter back to the Mom
Well, I did write alot about this week on Dad's page, so you'll have to ask him to read it. Other than all that not much has happend. Other than we deep cleaned our flat and our car today.
I can't belive Will is already home. You need to send his mailing address to me so I can write to him. I havn't heard from my buddy in long time. I did get a letter from his sister though.
I got a letter from Sam, he filled me in on everything that has happend lately and you'll have to fill him in that I got some of his Christmas letters from the ward, he said he didn't get very many.
You'll have to give C my congradulations he's doing really good. You'll have to tell him to watch his temper though so he can do even better. I know plenty of wrestlers who lost their chance to wrestle because of stuff like that.
Well sorry it's short, but I did write stuff to Dad, you'll have to convince him to let you see it and put it on your blog.
Love Elder Jones
I'm sorry I don't write as much as I should. Things get busy and I don't take the time to let you know how proud I am of you. Mom talked with your companion's parents this week, I'm sure she will fill you in on the details. We bought a car this week that runs on natural gas. It has saved us a lot of money so far. The only down side is the places are limited to fill it up. It's used and has a lot of miles on it but it is new to us. The suburban is on its last tire. I hear a lot of good things coming from that area. Your Mission President sent us a letter two weeks ago and told us what a good job you are doing. You will never know how much you have changed the world in these short two years, but you do. With all the things happening in this world, it’s great to see positive and uplifting things taking place little at a time. Stay focused and work harder than ever. Time is getting short. It's time to take the things you have learned so far and put them to work. For me the last six months became the most productive because it took until then to get things right. Staying focused gets harder the closer you get to coming home. But if done right it will become the most productive time of your mission. The Gospel of Jesus Christ Is moving through the world like a forest fire and you are a part of that fire. I may not say much about my thoughts and feeling about the Gospel but it is the way back to our Heavenly Father. The Savior Jesus Christ is divine and he is the head of that great and glorious plan. By following his plan can only bring you happiness. I do believe that.
Well son take care and work hard and pray often. You are in our thoughts in all of our prayers every night. You couldn't make me any prouder than I am. My Mission President when I first arrived in the mission field gave me some good advice. He said you only have two years to make the best of your mission and then you have the rest of your life to think of it and talk about it. That is so true. There isn't a week goes by right now that something happens that reminds me of an experience I had while serving the Lord. I Love you and think of you often.
Love Dad
Letter from the Missionary to the Dad
Hey Dad thanks for the e-mail, it always gives me a boost when you send me something. This week has been good but a little bit challenging, at least in the end of the week on Wednesday we had exchanges and it was actually a really good exchange. I was with Elder U, the missionary that sat next to me on the plane ride over, and he's been struggling a little bit. The last couple of areas he's been to have been areas that he came into a whole lot of clean up and so he's been losing his joy for missionary work. I hope the exchange went well, he said he was going to do better by the end and so I now have to call him every once in a while to follow up on how he's doing. Thursday we had weekly planning and exchanges so it was kind of hectic. Elder Seastrand and I got back together Friday morning, planned for an hour, then drove to a township about 30 min away and then switched again. I then had to drive back having only gone that direction once and you guessed it, I missed our exit and we lost a whole lot of time. By the time we got back to the area, we had missed our appointments and only had time to visit our Bishop before we had to travel to another area again.(we cover two wards) Well this time I got pulled over in a routine police stop that they do around here, missed another exit and missed our last teaching appointment as well. I think the only effective thing we got to do was tract for 20 min and have correlation with the other ward mission leader. I've got to admit I was a little frustrated but after looking back, a lot of good happened. I got to talk a lot with Elder Kelly (the missionary I was with) and see things that we both could improve. His district is doing the best in the zone so he shared a little about what he's been doing. Now on Friday morning we were supposed to attend our districts district meeting and do splits with the Assistants, but I made the mistake of leaving our phone with Elder Kelly and didn't notice until we had already made it back home. So we had to pick up the assistant and the go back again to get our phone. Man I had a headache, but I learned a lot. I've recently been working on having much more meaningful prayers and it's paid off. On Saturday we had an appointment and I prayed that he would be able to accept the message. I also prayed that if he wasn't home we would be able to find someone who was prepared and I asked if it could be a Father led Family. Well we got to the appointment and no one answered when we knocked so Elder Seastrand called him and sure enough he wasn't around. Hoping that we could receive answers to our prayers, I spotted a lady that was walking down the street and started talking with her. She said she had a family, but unfortunately they are in Angola, she told us she would call us if she wanted us to come and then walked away. As I turned around a man was pulling into his driveway and he waved to us to come and talk with him. He invited us in and we taught him and his wife. That was really powerful and a definite answer to prayer. Over all it's been a good week and its crazy how fast time flies’s because this transfer is in its last week and it feels like I just got here. You should send me some crazy stories about your mission.
Love MilkToast
AKA The first little Alonzo Jones boy that got called this name
whenever they had to do hard work chores on the farm funny thing is he hated being called this..
Dear Elder T. Jones Letter from the Mom
Where do I begin there was so much that happened that I hope I can keep it all strait.
1. Mc of course tried to drive over the log that you saw and now the sub is in full need of repairs that will cost almost more then its worth to put into the car. So Dad got a car that will hopefully save us a small fortune as the price of gas goes up up up. The red truck took the amount it would cost to pay the car payment to fill up in gas and that just made Dad cringe into getting the new car that I am sure you will get when you come home.
2. Tue night after wrestle practices, C had a learning lesson on listening to the shouts of the Holy Ghost and the consequences of what happens when you choose not to. He said before hitting a 200 pound back of the head that he could hear a voice saying don't do it and was looking at D B but his lips were not moving and hearing "don't do it don't do it" and then just doinging it any way cause by that time he was in defense mode and mad. Thus a broken hand called a boxer break, we had xrays on Wed morning fanagled an appointment to hurry and do a half cast which meant we went to Provo on Thursday and got a special cast allowing the wrist and knuckles to move made to be able to still wrestle by a sport orthopedic hand specialist. While waiting to get into the cast maker we went and met your mission companions Mom, Dad and little sister. We had a rather fun get to know, even got to watch Elder Seastrands try for Broadway (well ok rest home, Oklahoma sing out as a priest) while we we there. Rushed back to get the cast on and then rushed to meet with the team that was playing laser tag before the State Wrestle tournament. I went home went to work on Fri and then Dad and I turned around and went back up to stay the night but missed C's matches as they were early in the day. He won both of them that day. The next day Sat. he won the first a kid that he beat all year those are the photos of him doing his squeeze on this kid, The kid really hates him and is the one who tried to hit him and the ref intervened. The next kid got ahold of his hand and he had a hard time getting it a way, after that his fire was a bit gone from the pain he was having in his hand along with the fact that he couldn't hold on with anything but the one hand. The kid beat him by one point after that was the Millard kid and without the two hands he just couldn't do it. So he places 4th but next year he says that will not be how it will play out. The cool thing is that he is the only freshman on that stand all the rest are Jr. and Seniors. That alone was an accomplishment.
3 Mc went on his first Kondike and they won that made him feel really good and he even stayed alive and didn't freeze and it hasn't been the warmest kind of winter this year. I didn't even have to hardly help him pack he had it all ready to go on Thur when I got back from Provo along with having the chores done and the fire all stoked up.
Jo helped me by watching the boys and of course talking Aunt Amber into helping her so she could go on a date Sat. day along with T talking his Mom into helping him on Fri night so they could go on another date with his big brother and new friend. Next week Jo will be bringing this new friend to Church as she is not a member and she has invited her to go to girls camp with her too. She fully intends on helping her to become a member so watch out the girl is getting missionaryish. T and Jo have tried to stoke the fire twice now and I fully recommend that they should make sure that they have a different source of heat in thier houses when they are adults as they suck at it and we have to fix it every time after. Mc wishes that he had been awake to help them because he ended up with the cold shower this Sunday morning after the take an hour shower girl got done with her luke warm one.
Today superman was on and Jer saw it and went up and put his PJs on then told me that he needed new super pants because there was a hole in the middle and the power fell out. Never laughed so hard, he also does not fly he rides his mot-er bike to the rescues. He alternates to a dog for Z's benefit periodically through the day.
Dad finally feels better and Mom is so glad that there is only one more week of wrestling because I am so tired of it now. I will have to go again to Provo so C can get a cast that is permanent and to make sure that nothing got riped up while wrestling. We have to be back by 2 so its going to be the craziest drive ever.
I have a really cool Hello Jones family on my facebook from a fellow that I think you know that just flew in from Columbia by the name of Will Casper.
Justin Carter is in LA performing at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival his group made it to the finals and preformed on Sat. Thats about all I know of that.
Robbie and Nathan return from their parts of Africa in two weeks it will be interesting to talk to them if I run into them.
I haven't heard updates on your other cousin missionaries so sorry no word but they must be doing great still.
It seems so strange to sit and think that almost two years have gone by and yet it isnt feeling like that much time as past all at the same time. Especially when I look at the basement and its not getting done very fast so there is still not a room to put you into at the moment. Not that you are very concerned about that I am sure. I am so grateful for all the things that you are learning and gaining that will help you to be the very best father and leader and continuing server to the Lord which is what our lives are supposed to be balanced with. Well I dont want to take up any more space because I want you to take up the space with what your mission is teaching you and helping you to gain that will help you be a better person.
Love you have a super great week and teach many beautiful Children of God.
1. Does anyone ever ask for extenstions to thier missions these days? Are you, just wondering?
2. What one thing would you want us to send to you this next month?
3.Please tell us one scripture that has helped you this week.
4.When should a person ask the missionaries to meet with one of there friends?
5.How do you prepare for fast sundays as a missinary?
Missinary Letter back to the Mom
Well, I did write alot about this week on Dad's page, so you'll have to ask him to read it. Other than all that not much has happend. Other than we deep cleaned our flat and our car today.
I can't belive Will is already home. You need to send his mailing address to me so I can write to him. I havn't heard from my buddy in long time. I did get a letter from his sister though.
I got a letter from Sam, he filled me in on everything that has happend lately and you'll have to fill him in that I got some of his Christmas letters from the ward, he said he didn't get very many.
You'll have to give C my congradulations he's doing really good. You'll have to tell him to watch his temper though so he can do even better. I know plenty of wrestlers who lost their chance to wrestle because of stuff like that.
Well sorry it's short, but I did write stuff to Dad, you'll have to convince him to let you see it and put it on your blog.
Love Elder Jones
True story. I woke up this morning, hopped on the computer, and somehow came across some wrestling action pics just like the ones you have here. I thought to myself, "man, those boys are tough!".
ReplyDeleteI hope C is feeling better soon. You're an awesome momma, by the way. :)