Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Monday, October 26, 2009

Mon, October 26, 2009 3:13:14 AM

Hey family,
This week has been a pretty good week. last moday after i e-mailed we went to a Lion and Rihno nature reserve, and i got to play with some white tiger and lion cubs. it was so cool. I also got to play with some lion cubs that were a bit older and the had ver sharp claws. one of them latched on to Elder Martin's (my companion) foot, and ripped up his shoe. it was awesome. along with that i got to pet a full grown cheetah... Yeah it was pretty much sweet! any way i will send you pictures when i get a chance to develop some or load them on the computer. So things teaching wise have been going great. We have been teaching lots of lessons and we currently have 9 investigators on date for babtisim and we were able to find 10 new investigators just the other day. It was crazy lucky. we were referd to a family and it turns out that there were like 8 members and they all wanted to listen to the discussions. Things are going good for the mission here in ridgeway. unfortunatly we have had a couple of rough days like yesterday we had to bike an hour from one of our apointments to another and the person cancelled on us that last minute. So the day was frustrating after that. we couldn't find anyone else who would listen to us and none of the members in the area were home so it was rough, but we learn things from everything that happens to us. On a lighter note, earlier yesterday after church we were on our way to teach kabelo to keep the sabath day holy and on our way we met him in the street on his way to buy some ice cream. it was funny because we told him to wait until we taught him and after teaching him he agreed to wait until today to buy ice cream. It was a fun discussion and we laughed alot. any way i hope things are going ok i hear lots of people are sick. anyway that's all for me. the people here are great, the investigators are obediant and the culture here is fun to learn.

Sharp Wanas

P.S. I am not allowed to e-mail my friends so it would be cool if you would forward my e-mails to my friends. O and pleas Pray for Our investigator Sister Eunice. Her daughter and her are in a little bit of danger. They could use those prayers.

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