Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hey from Africa

Well i was writing this e-mail and i was almost done and the computer wazed out and i lost it so this one might have to be shorter because i'm running out of time.
This week was a great week. We got to teach members of the community yesterday and it was an awesome learning experiance. The first gentleman we taught was a member and he acted as a member while we taught him. It was a great experince because it helped us learn how to really adapt to the person we are teaching. We ended up just discussing how we each felt about the restoration and the importance it has been to us. It was great to hear what the man had to say, being a convert to the church and it helped streangthen my testimony. The second Man we taught was a missionary curently serving in the jo'burg mission. He was a little harder because he drilled us on alot of things that investigators will. He said we did good and that alot of things would come as we learn through out the field. Over all it was a great experiance. As for the rest of the week we did the usuall stuff, district class, Lgm meetinings and learning more about how to teach effectivly. On tuesday we got to go to the temple again and it was great just to have a day that was peacfull and spiritual.
To my family always remember to stay strong in the gospel and say your prayers morning and night. I encourage C. and J. to start reading the scriptures and write down the things that they feel is most important. I love you all and i wish you the best

Elder jones

P.S. Will i'm always glad to hear from you and everyone else. If i didn't get to really say somthing to you I'm sorry and i will try next time. Hopefully by then i will have more time to e-mail because i will be in the field. Stay strong and pray offten. It's important!

1 comment:

  1. Brooke, So great to hear from him. I will forward this to William. Tyrell sounds great!
