Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Non Toxic Homemade Antibacterial "SOAP"

I made my own liquid hand soap which was because of someone else's finding and sharing a recipe of course on Pintrest, but mine has my own little twist because I used an Essential Oil called  On Guard  it is so amazing. There are antibacterial properties in this soap and it does not make my little guys hands crack and bleed from using it. It's helped keep my kids from getting the flu this year and the ones that did get the flu were only sick a very short time. With 7 kids, 6 of them boys that's a feat I would say.
So here goes sharing my own Non Toxic antibacterial liquid Soap from our house to yours.

1 Bar of no scent soap,  I choose Ivory because it's known to not cause allergic reactions as often.
2 Tablespoons of Glycerin bought at the store in the Pharmacy area.
1 Gallon of boiling water. Boiling is important because you want all microbes to die so that they can't produce when all mixed together sitting in the soap dispenser.

Shave the soap then place shavings in the water until dissolved, I stirred it and then let it cool all night. See in that big silver pot.
Next morning I took my beaters mixed it up to break up all the chunks.
Added 30 drops of the On Guard Essential Oil that comes from doTERRA.
 Go click back there on the word doTERRA to get some of your own.
It has a very clean grapefruit,clove, cinnamon smell to it.
Go here get some of your own it's totally cool.

Why use that essential oil?  Well its incredible properties and qualities are all listed at this LINK, and this LINK and this LINK (this one has medical research tabs to look at) too.
Try you own soap and then make your own nontoxic antibacterial soap that won't make your kids hands crack and bleed. And if thats a pain you can see other ways that its made to help keep a body healthy click  HERE.

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