Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Lookin for Light

1.Was the worms good that you ate the kids want to know?
1. The worms were actually pretty good! YUMMY!

2. Can you read all the letters we have sent you on your email?
2. yup I can read all the letters from the beginning of my mission

3. Extra birthday money now in your account coo?
3. I hope I will be good for cash, there are a few things that I wanted to get before I come home so it's all good

5.So is Germiston far from the mission home I can't google it cause of the computers issues
5.It's very close. only about 30-45 minutes drive.

6. Yeah I would probably hang out with any of my companions on mission.

7.Is your trainer companion (sorry name is gone from me at the moment) and Elder Formen someone that you would want to have invited to come to a big home come party on the Sunday you talk? Oh and the Mission Pres. since he will be here before you.
7.Same and I would really think it is cool if President Poulsen could come to my home coming and probably some good friends that I know but I wouldn't make a huge fuss about it.

9.How did the teaching of people go this week or did you mostly have to focus on doing Zone Leader activity?
9. The teaching has gone great this week, I'll fill you in on that in the meat of the email

10.So really how are you doing is what Dad and I really want to know.
10. I'm doing good, I had the chance to talk with President Poulsen on Monday and that really helped me to come to terms with the whole going home early and what not, he also gave me some career advice and education advice so I hope I can apply it.

11. Jo asked if you have been attacked by locus ever while on your mission.
11.Nope I can't say I've ever been attacked by locust, should I be?

12.What is the first thing you want to do when you come home Jo wants to know.
12  The first thing I want to do when I come home is have a big weekly planning session where I can make sure that I have good things to do when I get home.

13. Do you love the county fair as much as Jo does we are arguing about this so please solve that wonderment.
13. I'm not sure how to measure who loves the county fair more because you can't really measure love. You can only measure what you do to show that love. I do love going to the county fair and watching all of the stuff that happens their, but I didn't ever do much in it

14.Jo has lots of Questions. When you are done with the mission what do you want to do with your life? Who do you want to marry? What kind of girl do you want to marry? Do you feel mature enough to get married? Rule Number 1 you better make sure she is my best friend PLEASE PLEASE she has to think I am cool and not be a snotty brat and I am going to visit you so she better like me that way lots ok. JO JONES said all that!!!!!!
14. All questions pertaining to this question can not be answered at this time! Please hold for further information. Thank you!
Dear Family
Well this week has been a pretty good week I would say, but I usually say that about most weeks. Let me get out my planner and try to remember everything... o yes here we go. Well on Monday we had the regular old p-day activities, along with a trip to the office to talk with President Poulsen and hand in some forms, we also gave a birthday card to Elder Watts, one of the best senior missionaries ever, by 6:00 we went to our first appointment, I can't say it went that well, the family was very skeptical and wouldn't accept a booklet or a return appointment, they felt that we would do better to teach others about Jesus Christ because they were already born again and saved. We left and that was about it.

Tuesday Started with President Poulsen calling us to talk about our zone and get a report on how things are going and after that we went to Bedfordview to visit Bro Rodrick Jones who is still healing from breaking his hip. He will hopefully be ready for baptism by the end of July. Most of our appointments cancelled that day but we had a lot of good to do because we planned well. We ended up doing alot of contacting on a street corner with a box's of pamphlets and Book of Mormons Reading Free Books. We handed out alot of pamphlets, a couple of Book of Mormons and made some great appointments. Our day finished off by teaching a man named Joseph who lives across the street from the second councilor, he isn't progressing very well and either are his colleges that live with him. We are considering spending time else where because they just don't keep commitments

Wed was similar to Tuesday the same with Thursday, but Friday was great. We got to go to the temple, and then we did exchanges straight after. I went to Alexandra with Elder Wagner. I really enjoyed the Day, Elder Wagner and I had a heart to heart about making decisions, and how sometimes its better to just go and do, rather than sit and stew. He told me that sometimes it's hard to do that because we are afraid of making the wrong decisions. I hope the day helped him out. I feel like I learned a lot.

Saturday was really full. We had appointments starting from 10:00 until 8:00 every hour, unfortunately only 3 of those appointments kept. The first was with a recent convert the second was with the bishop and the third was missionary correlation with our ward mission leader. I hope the day was a success on the side of gaining a relationship with the bishop. We actually made him and his wife dinner, because his wife is sick with a baby on the way. Elder Palmer is a former chef so he cooked up a nice meal for them. Afterwards bishop introduced us to his neighbors which was awesome!

Sunday was a normal day, we finished it up with a meeting with the  Stake Presidency concerning the different area's and their relationships with the wards and branches. It was really effective and I think we'll see good relationships coming from it.

Overall it's been a great week and I dont' have much to complain about.
Love Elder Jones

P.s. Something that would really help is if you ask about how we are doing at achieving our goals as a zone.

Looking for light this week in all we do.
I have had a great week this week with lots of wonderful enlightening things come into my hands. When a person is keeping their eyes open to see truth and gain knowledge its amazing how it can just pile up in your lap. Some days writing a letter feels so hard because I want to share with you all the cool little bits of truth and light that I have gained and I just can't stuff it all in a letter. Please read Moroni 10:30 and contemplate all the gifts that the Lord has for us to partake of in the world. I am going to print a small article and send to you hoping it gets to you about gifts and all the things that we can learn if we but keep our eyes on the Lord at all times. Which of course is what your whole two years have been about learning to do so that you can bring his children to the light. Now as you are approaching the space where that mantle changes shape and is not as focused because there are so many other things that will came into your day this article helps to remind me and will you how to keep that focus daily. Its really a book that was written by a person who was on a mission and had many delays to their mission getting started so in that time frame of delay she took the time to write and she felt impressed to give words to paper about her thoughts and if I can I will find the book so I can read the whole thing cause I really liked the info in it. Its called Light in the Wilderness: Exploration in the Spiritual Life out of a magazine called
So when you get a letter in the mail that's what this is about but in the mean time look up gifts in the topical guide and focus on that a bit if I am allowed to guide your scripture study a bit. This week has been lots of arranging of the kids and the boys trying to finish the field that Dad went into debt to buy seed for. I sure hope it turns a huge profit cause ugha everything is so expensive right now. C and Mc marked, planted and did the whole field at Whites. Its a huge thing he had to buy seed three times to finish it. I really wish I could get the computer to be nice to send you pic but it has big issues and is baulking at times to even send a letter. I think there are too many videos and I do not know how to edit and get them burned to cd to unload them off this hard drive. Well here is a ton of newsy news. Treton is buying a house  with his new paying job he makes more then Dad does on start up. So when you want to if you need to live in the Lehi area he needs roommates till he finds a girl to marry. Heather keeps thinking your going to school up that way and told he to tell you that. Sister Mary Macintosh who you used to get fast offerings from passed away but they never even said that she had gone so twice now Mc has been sent to gather and he could get no one to respond to his calling at the door the way C taught him to do. Whites basement and all the houses along that way not Mike and Robins has water in the basement. The river jumped bank because our trees that the river pushed out have blocked the path and it went off into those old gravel pits out there and took out the road. Mechams have to travel along the top of the hill road to get out now. Its going to be alots of constructions to repair all the mess.
Today at Church Dad had an adventure and I can say the Lord works in mysterious ways. Jer was throwing a fit about needing food and he had taken him out when a lady who is new in our ward and has a guide dog walked out and he watched her go down the stairs. When she reached her car she slumped over and he put Jer down and went out to see if she was ok. He caught her just as she went to the ground and had a seizure. He could barley get his phone out of his pocket and then called me which I was like what the heck he can't handle the little guy. But that is of course not what he said when I quietly tried to answer the phone in the middle of sacrament meeting. He practically yelled go get that ladies Mom that has the guide dog. Which I guess I looked scared because after walking to the middle of the chapel and sliding into the seats to get the Mom who is really old and carry all her bags of stuff out several people like EMTs (Tom, James) followed me out the door. Including Brother Zufelt he was already calling 911. Dad was crouched on the ground holding her trying to get her to breath and talking to her calmly. Jer was gone so I had to go find him and then he was all thrilled cause the ambulance arrived. I do hope she is ok. I ride the bus with her son and I wish my kids could be a little more caring and not so labeling cause the teen has some issues but most of all he just wants to be accepted.The poor dog was beside himself watching and whining and pushing her to move. Dad said that was one of the reasons he knew something was wrong including that she was slumping over. So today I guess we can be grateful for a temper tantrum cause the Lord works in mysterious ways and she would have landed really hard on that cement had Dad not been there.
This week is going to be strange cause Mc has week long scout camp and C is going to go to wrestle camp this year. He most likely will be picked to be the leader of the group. I sure hope you can weld some Christ like spirit upon him with your new found learning of the gospel. No really he is a very good kid he just gets way hyper at times and then Dad and I could wring his neck. If he is kept super busy and tired then he is less wild but some days I wish they would call him to work at the ice house soon. All the last year kids get to work the hours first though so he has to be patient. C helped a young man who joined the church this last two years by just being his friend for a bit. They dug out the field at the head so that the water can go down it and then went and headed up to the Fathers and Sons, Brother Zufelt took them up and they slept on a cliff edge crazy kids but he still didn't come to church sadly today. If we had a bigger car I would pick him up. Maybe you can help C know how to keep him more activated since the young man is supposedly going to wrestle again and that can be one way C could be a good influence to him. Well I can't really think of any other news and since pictures are being stupid I guess I will close. But please tell us your thoughts and feelings and the week that you have had. 
Love you lots and lots. Everyone says hey don't get trunky and dig really deep over the next few weeks cause you are making a huge difference in the Kingdom of the LORD!!!!!!!

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