Questions and answers from last week:
1. What does a District Leader do for his duties different then a greenie or a broke in missionary. (well that's a good question, because I'm still trying to figure that out. You basically just communicate the Key indicators(numbers) for the district, to the zone leaders. I have 5 missionaries plus myself in the district, and I plan exchanges and evaluate how they are doing. I also do baptism interviews when they are needed.)
2. Did you have to move yet? (Nope, we got a 1 year extension on our contract)
3. The baptism photos didn't come through were they of only Lenny or also Beverly?(there was one photo with sister Beverly and Lenin)
4. Is the church that you attend in the school right in Mutupa or in Tazneen? (we attend to services each week, 1 in Tzaneen and one in Motupa. In Tzaneen we have a chapel)
5. Are you getting along with your companion?(Yeah pretty well, we have some struggles every once and a while, but we usually are able to work through it quickly)
Answers from this week:
1. Did I get Jared address to you?
1.Nope I didn't get it.
2. So tell your opinion on being a district leader hard, busy, going to grow in a new way easy what?
2. Well recently, meaning today it's been a bit difficult. And it's really hard when it seems like members of the district don't want to take your advice. It's taking alot of patience and alot of learning but I'm trying to measure up to what is expected.
3. Did you get our letter last week?
3.I got your e-mail, but if you mailed a letter I didn't get it.
4. Did you finish reading Jesus the Christ? I would love to read those books when you are back since that is one that I never got to read.
4.No I haven't finished yet it's a very large book and I don't get much time to read it.
Well this week has been an interesting one. I didn't e-mail last week because Monday was a holiday and everything was closed. And then this week, we were rear ended by a taxi. Man Taxis get on my nerves. The car is now in for repairs and it's making things a little bit hard to work. Luckily it did lead us to finding 2, yes 2 new Father led families and 1 shows alot of potential. We have been struggling now to reach our goal of baptisms for this month which is 4 and as of right now we might, and when I say might I mean it will take alot of prayer and fasting and effort,to get 2. Elwin and Noriah, they want to be baptized but the struggle is that it is hard to visit both of them at the same time because Elwin is working and we still need to teach them alot. We have worked out a plan that might work in teaching them but it depends also on if they have a chance to come to church or not. Noriah attends every Sunday but Elwin, because of his job, struggles with it. Please keep them in your prayers and we will do our best, but if anything it will be up to Heavenly Father. Wed. we had a special training session in a place called Polokwane on some new stuff they are incorporating into the MTC soon and we have been asked to apply it so that when the new missionaries come in we can accommodate them, I think Elder Devin Monroe was talking about it as well. Then on Friday we had our Mission tour where we met Elder Renlend one of the councilors in the Area Presidency him and President Poulsen taught us more of the principles that we learned on Wed., and that is going to continue on every Wed. of this month (not with Elder Renland though) Sunday I was audited for the first six months of the year, Jan-Jun, on all of the finances of the church and I didn't get here until the beginning of July. It went well though because I was lucky enough to have the Brach President with me to help out. Man I never thought I would ever be doing Finances on my mission.
One other person you can pray for is Clifford, he is struggling with overcoming addictions to Alcohol and Drugs so he needs your prayers.
Well I hope this all makes sense to everyone cause I was kinda scattered in thinking of all this stuff.
love Elder Jones.
P.s. Thanks for the E-mail Aunt Amber, it's much appreciated
The families County Fair week
Lets start with Mon. I was way tired by the end of the day and it isn't even Friday yet. I cleaned 6 cabins and it took all day but at least we made some money to pay on the mission fund bill. Tue two more cabins and big bathrooms to clean. The boys couldn't cut anymore wood because it had rained and rained the whole week before. Wed. hauled the sheep into the fair turned around and picked C up to register for high school and get J's stuff set up also. Then grabbed all the boys put the horses in for the third time and back to the fair grounds. J finally got her drivers license officially and only made two mistakes so now she gets to drive to the fair in the morning by herself.
Thur. she drove all alone, I took C to football and then we hauled the two horses into the fair grounds. She had already shown her sheep and got blue ribbons by the time we got there. That night J rode the entry drill team to start out the rodeo with the sponsor flags. They had a bit of a struggle but the next night they looked really good. I video taped now if I can figure out how to pull of my camera and load it to a DVD. A horse ended up having an accident and they had to carry it off on a panel. It was one of those bucking broncos and after the guy was off it just collapsed after one really hard buck. We went home smelling like camp fire and at our house we had to shut all the windows and coolers down because it was so very dang smoky from a huge controlled burn that is now out of control on the Beaver side moving over to Kimberly. They expect it will burn the rest of the summer and it stinks. There have been belly dump helicopters flying over our house for four days now attempting to keep the Kimberly mine historical site intact. Jer is seeming to take it in stride better then me. I got super crappy and finally had to take some med because whatever is burning I am allergic to big time. Mix that with fair dust and I couldn't' even get up and going on Fri till 12 in the afternoon. Z has been suffering too a bit.
The next day J rode the Rodeo again and sold one sheep to Burnadeen and one off the floor. Your pictures took one a blue the one with the bee and the violet took a red. I am not sure why the red but it was sitting by the judge choice and the grand prize so I wonder if that was what made it move down. Sat the 4-H show was at an unearthly 7am because they had to be out of the arena for some dang reason cause of the hog wrestle and then in the end it didn't even matter they did it on the race track area in front of the stands. J did the hog wrestle with three other kids, the goal was to get it's butt into the barrel while slipping in the gray clay mud that is super slippery. They did it but wasn't as fast as the team they were trying to beat. She had a blast doing it. It also is on video so now I just have to get them all on the video together. I finally made the little boys go home with me because it was more fun to them to slide in the sawdust piles then to do any of the fair activities. They were sound asleep at 6 pm and J who didn't want the fun to end came home at 10 and crashed she was super tired. Dad had gone with the young men up the mountain to their ride C didn't even go he went to Daltons family reunion. Dad after getting all the Young men off the mountain had to turn around and go back up to get Brother Clabes horse that had all of a sudden quit and would not move. They gave it butte and got it pulled back down with Brian M's horse, but didn't get back till 7pm so then me and Dad had to go back in to town and get the two horses that were at the fair grounds waiting a ride home. I must admit I am glad that it's over and next year I fear will be even more crazy as we already have the steers that they are going to show and J wants to do a hog anything to make me feel even more tired and spread in several ways. Also I bet C will do sheep and Mc and K will be old enough to also show. J will be going to state again with Hobbles so she is pretty excited and this year I will go up with them I think. Dad is finally today and tomorrow going to get the oats and hay cut. The swather had a major break down when it finally stoped raining. Dad went and gave Jordan the priesthood with Papa and Shane and some of the Carter family. Uncle Brock is in Alaska for the next 3 week working and he is going to try and ship some smoked Salmon to all of us. They bought a tiny shop and acreages in Annabella that they can build on someday. Justin is loving working for the Shakespeare festival and Cody is now down there working away and starting school. Rhett is about done with part of his second training and will go either to Hawaii or North Carolina. Well please tell us your adventures and I will try to get the photos up next week with mud on J's face. Smile have a super great day and I think your a great missionary.
Love Mom
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