First of three waiting areas starting at 2:00pm. Mad because he wants WATER.
Madder because there is a tap in the room and we still won't let him have WATER!
We each had to take our turns holding and diverting because he would try to climb the counters and push chairs to get to the WATER!
You guessed it he came up out of the anesthesia wanting Water and yelling it at the top of his lungs.
Now we fight a new fight keeping him from pulling all the IV's out and the sat monitor lines off. And if only he would have eaten all those wonderful pancakes he is buttering so nicely.
The pain medicine made him kinda silly so he hammed up for the camera and was goofy the next day.
I am outta here, gonzo, goodbye, say la vista. I am going to get me a real lookin diesel toy because I was so good at doing my surgery to fix my trachea scar hole and have it all revised and get all my teeth cleaned and prettied up.
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