Family isn't it the most important gift we can have on this earth? In my religion we believe that we can beforever families. I guess if that's how it's going to be then we for sure need to work on making those people be the ones we like to be with the best. I am so lucky to have great in laws on all sides of me. I would really claim them more as my sisters then sister in laws. So also of my brother in laws they are the very best at rescuing me when my hubby isn't there to save me from a dumb car break down or giving me great directions by allowing me to follow him even if he changes lanes a dozen times to see if I will follow his every move ( hahaha ya Chad talking about you). How about when my children had to live with so many of you for so many months and sometimes still drop in when needing a spot to hang out for a min. I know that I can count on everyone of them to help me when my time of need is the greatest. That's whatFAMILY is for and this whole world should remember that our ties really aren't that far from each other if we just stop and take a look at the genealogy of ourfamilies. JR Holbrook Family reunions random photos shoot. This grand Lady is the Queen of this family. I am honored to have her as my Nana.
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