Johannesburg South Africa Temple

Johannesburg South Africa Temple
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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Family Communications

Good Morning Elder Jones
1. How come you only have a small time to write to us if you are at an internet cafe? Do all the missianaies come to the same cafe and the Church pays for it or what. The kids were asking why its always such a sort amount of time for such short letters.
2.So who is cutting your hair these days?
3.What would you think if Dad and I came to pick you up from your mission? The other Elder whos parents came to get him did they stay for awhile and see things that he wanted them to see in Africa?
4.What was your companions name in the MTC and is it the one with your arm on him or the one on the other end with dark hair?
Well late last night we got a wonderful bunch of letters the kids were all super excited. They all read them and then read them again, C. and J. wouldnt let anyone see theres and J. started writing to you right after. If you do that again make sure you send a picture letter to Jer. he took all the photos and claimed them as his own. Those are some very cool pic and the temple grounds are so so pretty. We are going to have aunt Amber put them on to a collage in photoshop so we can load them to our family blog for all the cousins to see. Everyone looks at the blog to read your letters including some college friends I think. Emily left a comment asking for a way to send something to you so I updated your address on our blog. Hopefully you will not get stupid mail from anyone in the world trying to con you into stuff. Someone from Africa or posing from Africa sent me a email saying claim this fortune that was left in a bank account by some wealthy man and I will split it with you. Cause thats the only way they could get the money was for me to give my bank info to them. Right how stupid am I. I am writing early Sat as Dad has left to take Mc to go wrestle for the Jr. High State competition. They started yesterday and Dad didnt think they would have to be back today but well Mc won the first round by one point and almost the second round lost by one point. As Dad put it once the moves come atomatic and he quits hand locking he will be scary cause he mals them all over the floor. It has really been fun to see him mature into this sport. Today he won two matches and lost two which knocked him out of the rounds and didn't place cause of losing the one yesterday. C. is hoping that he can wrestle for the summer olympics so he can get back in shape. It has been very cold here. It snowed all day and I mean all day non stop Wed so the mud is gone and we are back to frozen and cold again. I hope we get one more good storm and then our water needs should be on the safer end this year. There was a request for several members to go over and help those in Haiti so Hailey Obrays bro who served a mission 8 years ago is on his way back to be an intrpruter. It is sad to hear how destroyed and horrible things are over there. I felt like getting even more of my food storage so that we have plenty to share if there was anything like that to happen around us. There were helicopters bringing in beans and they jsut dumped it on the rocks because the people were so starving that they attacked to get to the food.
Jer. is finally feeling better. He still has a scary cough but he wants to play and Z. has been sick so the two layed on the bed Thur. and played trucks together it was funny. Dad told Jer. that if he would give his binkys to the trash then Dad would buy him a litte truck and horse trailer so Z. got one too. But Z. was way worried that Jer. would get sad at night and cry alot without the binky so he kept coming and telling us "I have a Plan how about that he only has the binky at night but still gets to play with the truck too". It of course failed cause Dad can't listen to crying and Jer. handed the truck back over to Dad to have when it got bedtime. Z. was so mad cause he wanted to be able to play with him the next day he even gave Jer. his truck to play with and the whole plan fell apart cause Jer. handed Dad the binky back the next morning and took the truck to play with Z.. The same thing happened again the next night and so this morning I am taking the Binky and it will be a night time thing only for awhile. Besides when we finnaly fix his teeth with the surgery it might be a major comfort necessite. Oh yeah Dad thinks that Arab your horse might be preg and Z. laid claim to the baby if she is but it will be a few month before we find out. We didnt even go to the store once this week except we had to get coal cause the mine equip went down so there was a ration on how much you could get since end of Nov and we have been like barley making a warm fire. Uncle Ray had gotten some that he hand picked and that had kept us for a few weeks but it was down to the end. So finnaly thur they released the ration and we could have as much as we wanted. We decided we are not going to wait until we hit bottom so that that dosnt happen to us again.
C. told me that some of his friends came and asked him to be helpful in not cutting people down so I told him that there was one who would help him the most if he only asked and then I pointed out Mark. 11:24 and then told him he needed to read the cross referenced scriptures also. I really like that scripture and the way its saying the same thing three times. Just like the three witnesses. Well today for church was really rough with my class they were so wiggly I barley got through the lesson. Jamie was called to be my partner. I hope that your week is wonderful and filled with many seeking souls. Love you so very much and smile lots too.
Love you tons the Family

Yo Family
1. We are only alowed 1 hour on the computers every monday. And that is to read e-mails and respond. We go to an internet cafe and we have to pay out of our pockets. so somtimes when i get lots of e-mails i have less time to respond. But keep sending them.
2. We have been cutting our own hair. Mostly elder walgamott cuts mine.
3.I think that would be intense and i'm not really sure what to think about that cause i'm not there yet, But yes Elder Willson's parents went and saw a few cool sights and they went back to some of his old areas.
4.It's the one on the other end of the pic with dark hair.

I'm glad you all got the letters. I was going to write to Jer., but i ran out of time and so i couldn't.
Well this week has been a good week. We have been trying to set a goal to find at least 10 contacts a day per missionary and boy has that been hard so far. we have been getting an average of about 6 each, but it has paid off because we gaind 17 new investigators this week and we have been schedualing lots of appointments now. The Goal came from an apostalic promise that if w got the 10 contacts each day, then baptisims would double. It has been quite a struggle recently because we have found that many people who we have had on date for baptisim. Aren't as serious as we thought so we might have to drop them and find focus on some other people. It's been a little discouraging, but we have been getting alot of people to come to church recently wich is AWESOME!!! One person walked into church yesterday who I never expected would in a million years and i almost jumped out of my seat in sacrament meeting. Her name is Nomore (no-mo) and she works for and lives with some members so we have tired and tried to teach her but to no avail. Finally she agreed to let us teach her once and we put her on date wich was cool. She really started to open up her heart. She said she wasn't going to come to church for a while so that's why i was so excited. it was sweet! Missionary work is so rewarding, escpecially when you are working hard. So i havn't receieved any FRW from devin's mission yet and i have been looking forward to that. I'm going to miss ridgway when i leave but I probably have at least one more transfer before that, But Elder Mcombs will probably be leaving this transfer and that will make me the oldest missionary of the ridgeway district, cool huh, But i still won't be the oldest missionary on mission. I could always use suggestions from dad on how to remember people we have contacted and other stuff. Maybe he could send me some mission stories from his mission too.

I have got to say i miss the snow, because all we get here is rain. and if it's not raining it's hot. Sorry if this e-mail isn't long enough ethier, but you can always expect another one next week.

Love Elder Jones

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