2.Do you ever remember a manti wrestler named Mat Olsen? Funny his Grandpa served in Johannesburg and we met them last night at the Jr. high tournament. He says watch for a Loise Bell from Boksburg she is about 85 she joined in 1955 by Dick Olsen that's the grandpa. Mat is just getting his papers in now.
3. Watch for Elder Beck well really he is going to Cape town that is the son of Dads hospital administrator Boss. Do they ever really tell their first names to you or are you really always only Elder ____? I do hope you write their name down somewhere for your records.
4.Have you seen lots of sickness that you could use your priesthood powers on yet?
5.What is that bug in the pic about, are they all huge like that and crawl all over or are they hard to find?
6.Did you find Kabelo again or did he really move away?
7.Did you get the third package with toothpaste in it?
8.As of right now would you want to return to your land of mission after your mission to 1live, 2work or 3serve again and which one would it be.
9.Z. wants to see some more pictures of you but do not send us the pictures that you have saved unless you have two cds made. Do you need another sd card?
10.How many people total have you brought to the waters of baptism so far now?
11. Do you ever wish we sent snail mail to you written by hand?
12. Do you want me to type the copy of Elder Martins letter to you that he sent to our family about what it was like to train an awesome son like you? By the way you really make our family proud.
13. Do you want us to add any of those friends to facebook C. wants to know, for some it might be the only way they would know how to catch up with you.
14. If I write too long a letter is that bad for the amount of time you have to respond?
15. Did you send a postcard to the flying U?
Missionary answers for the week!
Before I E-mail the answers to all of the questions and stuff I just want to say Happy Birthday to Nana and Justin. I hope that it was a good one.
Try to read ALMA 39 A Very Good Chapter to remember always.
1.We Normally just send president Poulsen weekly letters, when we get a chance. There are over 200 Missionaries in jo’burg so that would be a lot of e-mails.
2. I don’t really remember many of the peoples names. Just faces
3. I probably won’t see elder beck, because they leave straight from the MTC to there missions. And yeah I know the other elders names but we just call each other elder.
4. I have seen quite a few sick people, but nothing extremely out of the ordinary.
5. I have no clue what that bug was, it was just this freaky grasshopper thing we found on P-day
6. Kabelo moved
7. I only got two packages, but I got the toothpaste.
8. I would probably just come to visit. Not very good jobs here.
10. I have only still brought 7 so far, but we are having a baptisim in feb
11. mail is nice
12. No thanks, that’s for you
13. I’ll get back next week
14. Sometimes
15. not yet
Well as for mission work Things have been going much better. We now have people to teach who are not cancelling on our appointments and we have been finding a lot of cool new people to teach as well. The only Problem is that not many have been coming to church, even though we have invited and committed and urged them in as many ways as we can think to do so. Do you have any good ideas for getting them to church dad?
Sorry, this E-mail is going to be a bit short, because the internet has been being slow, but I wan’t to at least give everybody the story of the week:
I sent som pics that you can look at about this story.
Well yesterday, we were all on our way to our appointments after having luch with some members During a huge rainstorm, When suddenly we got to quite a block in the road. There were some cars parked in our way and everyone was out of there car taking pictures and looking at this incredible sight. Not far from our Flat, a wall had broken down due to the amount of water that was pushing against it. And because of this there was a river of water flowing through the road and unfortunanly for the first guy to pass that way, was the mans car stuck in water up to the windows. We were all trying to figure out what to do, and after a while of thinking the only conclusion was that we needed to push the car out. As you can hopefully see, in the picture, Elder Walgamott is helping them push the car out of the water. Elder Mcombs and myself wanted to help as well, but we were not fast enough to take off our ties and empty our pockets before they had the car out of the water. In any case it was pretty intense and it made us very late to some of our appointments, but everything worked out in the end.
hey, this is emily and i was wondering it there was an address that i could send something to tyrell with that is not through pouch?